Loan money to Traders for Passive Income on BFX exchange.

Disclaimer: The moment coins enter exchange they are not your own, any exchange about OpenLedger which is decentralized can die any day. Always understand that depositing any amount to any 3rd party - exchange, wallet, casino whatever.

Poloniex also has this option but due to loads of issue and red flags on the exchange (ie STEEM wallet down since 3 months) i suggest to skip.

BFX has their bad fame (ie the famous 60 million hack) etc but looks like best place to risk money this way.

Do not use any lending sites - i have lost money on all of them, only BFX gave me constant profits.

Market Data

For start they have 11% of whole BTC volume, currently on USD pair.

They have many currencies right now with cool volumes.

Lend Money to Traders

So unlike some loan services on exchange you lend money to traders so they can play with them, if they lose more than they can pay you back - they get closed and you get cash back. This way this investments are pretty secure but also - you need good amounts to make something. If you have some BTC, LTC, ETH that do nothing its possibly better to make them work than keep in wallet.

Register to BitFinex by Clicking Here

I dont remember if they need verification, surely they didnt need document scans if you dont withdrawal by wire. If needed just do what they say.

Go to Deposits and Choose CUrrency

They have a few but i suggest one that you want to sell right now, best rates are on USD.

Sell for USD

Click Trading then youcoin/USD then click this green button. It will sell all you have into USD.

Move Balance

Go to wallets on top right, move your USD balance to Funding.

Lend It

Go to Funding in the Middle of site and choose USD. Now decide price you want to lend on and the amount.
You can chose few prices and few amounts. It works just like exchange - if needed write to support, they reply really fast.


Now you will be getting passive money from the investment, with time you will learn more tricks on the platform and will be able to tweak it. This currently and 1broker are two easiest ways imo to make passive cash on crypto without much knowledge.

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