Repost: Exchange Control In Venezuela: Alternatively Bitcoin

Venezuelans live today exchange controls very strong currency, having two official exchange rates, one to 12 bolivars used for essential items such as food and medicine and another to a freer market currently stands 654.33 bolivars.

Where distortion is all this?

 In the parallel market to the official every dollar is equal to 1045 bolivars, which implies a distortion in the prices of products, as some also use that differential to draw huge profits and believe me, not all Venezuelans have the possibility, more than anything are people privileged in government jobs.

How you can help the bitcoin?

1-. Good very easy, it helps you evade exchange controls in Venezuela, and also would not be illegal since the bitcoin is considered as an asset and not as a currency.

2-. Protect Venezuelans from the constant devaluation of the bolivar.

3-.The bitcoin is a good alternative to invest.

4-.To also make bitcoin trading through the pages as surbitcoin,localbitcoins, and new pages as yabit.

5-.Nobody is forced to reveal his identity which makes the bitcoin especially useful for use in countries where govern totalitarian regimes, such as Venezuela today.

6-.All transactions are recorded in a register open access.

7-.For operations in bitcoins there are no schedules or holidays.

8-.The bitcoin is a world of opportunities to be able to take advantage to get the most benefit, as also implies financial freedom you can achieve through it.

The bitcoin is a whole world of opportunities, to which Venezuela can take you much benefit.

As I say hope is the last thing you lose.

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