Be Sure To Fork Safe! Trezor Wallet Officially Supports Bitcoin Cash, Don't Miss Out.


I didn't see anything posted on here about this recent news, and just want to make sure that everyone is properly informed so they can benefit from the upcoming Hard Fork with their Trezor.

I've been keeping up with the official Trezor subreddit in regards to their support for the upcoming UAHF with Bitcoin Cash. In the past they had said that they would only support BCC (bitcoin cash) if it implemented strong replay protection. This was to ensure the continued security of the Trezor and it's users.

Since BCC released replay protection, Trezor has finally made an announcement that they will be releasing an interface alongside a firmware update, that will allow users to claim their cash.

The link to their blog, which answers most of the questions you might be having, can be found below. Along with the link to the offical BCC site where they explain their replay protection, supported exchanges, wallets and more.

If you found this helpful and would like to make a donation please feel free, any support is appreciated and will be put back into Steemit! ~ Thanks

Bitcoin: 123PAANwYsGhXU6WfSkTtKZpa65rspuR22

Litecoin: LRMFPGzYJAjpeeCbwW13B7mGPSqXjcRUBW

Thank you for reading, I hope that this can be of help to someone in these eventful times.
Be sure to leave a comment, follow, and most important of all, if you have any Bitcoin on Coinbase (or any other unsupported platforms) consider getting it off of there before the 1st of august, and onto a Trezor or Ledger Nano S.

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