Crypto Investing Feb 21

Last Week

The market is in full blown hysteria. While BTC is relaxing ETH has broken its ath and a lot of altcoins are mooning. Very dangerous market, but big gains await.

Prices and Funds

BTC = 36934.98 -> 37914.08
ETH = 1411.42 -> 1661.23

Starting Funds: 10000 (Sept 2019)

Strategy I: Full $
10757.30 -> 10768.14
Strategy II: Full BTC
39483.51 -> 40530.16
Strategy III: My Analysis
75475.04 -> 77476.83
Strategy IV: My Analysis including Ethereum
117407.73 -> 138204.60


Defi lending rates are higher than 10% currently, but that is still not enough to make us move into fiat. We stay bullish eth.
Please note that this is not financial advice. I am just testing some statistical methods and documenting them here. Everyone has their own situation that prefers more or less risk. Everyone has their own goals. Without knowing these there is no way to find the right investment plan for YOU.

My strategies for the week are:

Strategy I: Full $ @ 12.38% annual interest
Strategy II: Full BTC @ 0.12% annual interest
Strategy III: My Analysis
Long Bitcoin 100% @ 0.12% annual interest
Strategy IV: My Analysis including Ethereum
Long Bitcoin 0% @ 0.12% annual interest
Long Ethereum 100% @ 0.66% annual interest

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