How is Bitcoin like a religion? Is Christianity a hard fork?

bitcoin jesus.jpeg

Formulation of Thought

Please don’t take this too seriously. I’m not out to offend anyone but I got thinking about this the other day and it really fits quite well. The idea came to me when I was listening to a Sam Harris podcast on the origins and contradictions of Christianity (link at bottom). Basic premise is that what we are seeing in BTC and BCH matches quite well with the origins of Judaism and Christianity. The BTC vs BCH maximalists have become very tribal and combative. The arguments on both side have become dogma. Thus, the battle rages on between the new religions.

Let Me Lay Out The Correlations

Judaism = Bitcoin
Christianity = Bitcoin Cash
Yahweh (God) = Satoshi Nakamoto
Jesus = Roger Ver (aka Bitcoin Jesus)
Bible (Old Testament) = Bitcoin White Paper (
Bible (New Testament) = To be written by the disciples of Roger Ver one day (
Hasidic Jew = Bitcoin maximalist
Fundamentalist Christian = Bitcoin Cash maximalist
Pagans = Fiat fractional reserve banking system

It Is All Just a Little Bit of History Repeating

The hard fork comparison just makes too much sense to deny. Without Judaism we couldn’t have Christianity and so it follows without BTC we couldn’t have BCH. So, the answer to the question I asked up above is ... yes Christianity is a hard fork. It’s been 2000 years and we still have many different beliefs and faiths practiced throughout the world. Will the same thing be true for the future of Bitcoin? Only time will reveal this.

Reference Material

Propellerheads feat: Miss Shirley Bassey - History Repeating - YouTube

Sam Harris Podcast - "What is Christianity"

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