This Causes Down Price Bitcoin


The price of the bitcoin and other cryptocurrency continually declined to the lowest level this year. It is due to a case of hacking during the week-long break, this coin is worth about 37 million us dollars (around Rp 516.5 billion).

The news was delivered by the Bureau of currency cryptocurrency Coinrail South Korea origin who also said the hackers gained about 30 percent of reserves of coins and tokens.

Some of the tokens that are affected With X (NPXS), ATX, NPER and DENT.

To resolve this issue, Coinrail said if the coin Exchange will be done offline while the remaining assets and moved into cold storage (frozen).

While it will still be reviewing the security system and works closely with law enforcement to conduct an investigation.

However, there is no mention of how the offline Exchange could compensate for the loss of customers.

(11/6/2018) on Monday morning, the price of the bitcoin down as much as six percent.

Ars Technica reported collected KompasTekno, bitcoin has lost half of its price since last year, in which the value of the exchange rate is pretty volatile.

Others, including the virtual coins ethereum also experienced a similar fate on Monday morning, after steadily dwindled during the last two months.

Coinrail is just one of the currency exchange Bureau digital reported the theft of millions of coins are valuable, as a result of rampant digital hackers.

Earlier, in January, money exchange Bureau digital Japan, Coincheck also reported the theft of 400 million worth XEM cryptocurrency us dollars (approximately USD 5.5 million trillion).

Other operators such as Tether and EtherDelta also reported similar instances.

Not only the digital currency exchange Bureau, a researcher from 360 Netlab also preaches the existence of operation of hackers, who stole the coins ethereum.

The stolen coins is stored by the end user in the application and installation of mining which is less secure.

Monday morning, the researchers reveal if the thieves managed to steal coins worth more than 20 million us dollars (around Rp 279.2 billion).

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