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Bitcoin War Begins - Bitcoin Cash Rises 50% While Bitcoin Drops $1,000 In 24 Hours

Don’t be fooled… there is a war going on for bitcoin.

I posited to TDV subscribers months ago that factions of Bitcoin Core and Blockstream are a globalist attempt at taking over or destroying bitcoin. Or at the very least, an attempt to profit from it being slow and expensive.

How else can you make sense of a group that thinks it is totally fine for bitcoin to have transaction fees in the hundreds of dollars. In fact, they prefer it to be expensive!

Bitcoin Segwit2x was purported to be the answer to speed and cost issues. And, as we know, that fell through this week.

At first, the cryptocurrency space did not know how to react. Bitcoin surged to nearly $8,000 on the news and then quickly retraced back to near $7,000. Altcoins soared as much of the crypto money was waiting to ensure they retained their bitcoin through the fork before deploying other bets.

How quickly things change.

Today, bitcoin sank below $6,500 and the alts got demolished. Only one cryptocurrency stood out in the green today… and big time.

Bitcoin Cash soared more than 50% and peaked over $1,000 earlier in the day trading nearly $5 billion in volume… almost the same as bitcoin.

That’s a stunning 200%+ gain from $320 where it sat one month ago.

I recommended strongly to TDV subscribers (subscribe HERE) in August not to sell Bitcoin Cash.

The reason? It may end up being the real bitcoin.

What is the “real” bitcoin, you ask? That’s a tough question to qualify.

But if you thought bitcoin was an anarcho-capitalist digital currency meant to make the current central banking fiat currency system obsolete by being able to handle transactions of millions or billions of people for little cost and with digital age speed… then bitcoin is Bitcoin Cash.

I don’t know how to explain the actions of many of the Bitcoin Core developers.

Blockstream is the biggest funder of Bitcoin Core and employs many of the developers.

Who owns Blockstream? Well, one of the main shareholders is insurance giant AXA. CEO and Chairman of both the Bilderberg Group and AXA are the same person, Henri de Castries.

Yes, essentially, the person most in control of bitcoin development is the Chairman of Bilderberg; the place that I have gone for the last three years to expose from the outside! And, even one time, briefly, from the inside.

If the globalists wanted to destroy bitcoin, they would do exactly what they are doing with Blockstream.

Does this mean that I think some of the top developers of bitcoin code are part of the globalist agenda to destroy bitcoin? Only they know.

But, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve been duped.

No offense, but I know techies. They are wonderful and incredibly necessary to design code.

But, when it comes to understanding how life works, economics, money, marketing or even how to pick up girls… well, forget about it.

In any case, whether they are aware or complicit or not, the anarcho-capitalists are now making a strong move to take back bitcoin and leave it and everyone alone.

Anarcho-capitalist and USSA defector Roger Ver of has been a very important part of this process.

He tweeted today:

Rick Falkvinge, founder of the Pirate Party and author of Swarmwise, has also chimed in.

And, you know me. Anarcho-capitalist and one of the biggest proponents of bitcoin since 2011.

Here I was at a hockey game last night in a third world country, always staying on message.

And, yes, I support Bitcoin Cash.

Does this mean I’ve sold my bitcoin and bought Bitcoin Cash?

No. But I did retain all the Bitcoin Cash on the August 1st fork and recommended that all TDV subscribers also HODL and not sell their Bitcoin Cash.

What is happening today is why.

This isn’t over. In many ways it hasn’t begun.

Roger Ver, Rick Falkvinge, myself and hundreds if not thousands of ancaps will be at Anarchapulco and Cryptopulco this February discussing the future of a stateless money intended to rid the world of governments and central banks.

Either you are with us or against us. If you are with us, register now to be part of the evolution.

If you are against us, get ready for a fight.

It begins.