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Over the years, economic activities has been part of man's daily work. It began with the act of exchange which is formally referred to as trade by barter into what we have today as a decentralised economy. A deed of exchange has always been an intermediate between mans needs and his available resources.

Economics is a social science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and wants resources which have alternative uses.
~prof. Lord lionel c. Robbins.


Due to mans need to get what he needs using the limited available resources many method of exchange have been developed over the years which include

  • trade by barter
  • use of cowries
  • exchange of labour
  • use of gold for exchange
  • use of currency
  • Decentralised economy.

Decentralised economy is not limited to a specific region, people but rather its a means of exchange or an economic setting that is generally accepted by all.


The idea of a decentralised economy started with the use of bitcoin as a digital currency which is being accepted by volunteers as a means on sending and receiving payments. This further advance into the use of different cryptons which we have in the world today.

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the future world is now.

Over the years, man has taught of how to make the world a better place. In this view they try to make life and everyday activity easy for every one. They have ventured into different means of exchange without the use of a solid cash in the campaign of creating a cashless society.


My view and answer to this is vividly a YES!
the concept of crypto currency and decentralised economy for the first time in history allows for exchange and trading between people who really don't get to meet each other and also the exchange of values in a cashless form. This is a major break through in the campaign of creating a cashless society.

In subsequent posts i will be writing on the advantages and influence of cryptons in the world economy.
