Peacefully Opting Out


We're opting out of this violence as we are on the side of freedom and justice through peaceful means that are not fuelled by anger or division.

The Decider's agenda is to divide us and conquer us. That's what we see here; inject enough explosive propaganda in the subtext and watch us attack each other.

#togetherwearestronger and we can opt out of their system peacefully.

#bitcoin may be the way to cut the Deciders out of the loop and move on on to a peaceful planet where we aren't financial (tax) slaves, emotional slaves, mental slaves, energetic slaves, spiritual slaves, or physical slaves.

#wakeup people and see that they are playing you against your neighbour, and your neighbour against you.

Be the first to take a peaceful step because you know it's right in your heart, and avoid falling into their trap.

This is your home as much as it is ours, and you have the right to peaceful enjoyment of the planet as much as the next person.

This response was inspired by this post on #instagram

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