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Will We Survive?


Got this doll during our Olympics. When I look at it, many happy memories appear. But times are changing and challenges face each one of us.

Those that have woken up, have already prepared or is in the middle of getting their stuff together for the upcoming global events.

No matter, if an emergencies like storms, hurricanes, tsunamis ~ we all still need to prepare. Even if you go out and purchase a flashlight or two with some batteries, that's better than nothing.

Especially, I see hard time falling upon American people, not because of Trump but because of the former.

Hurricanes sent to create blackouts, starvation, death and removal of firearm is what they want, in my opinion. Engineered weather modification machines have been known to be used for some time.

Depopulation of the masses to a more controllable size, is the name of the game. Do not let the lying mainstream make you believe that the guns are the enemy when, it is the people doing mind control with phy drugs and high tech devices.

They want to take away the only protection Americans have against their enemy, NATO and United Nation forces controlled by criminal elite.

Schools are no long fit for children as brainwashing to dumb down children so they do not know how to think for themselves and only take orders and memorize fake history.

Hurricane on the East Coast will make many suffer. Do not wait for help. Depend on yourselves, prepare with food and water, extra flashlights, batteries and propane. Medical Supplies and kits are necessary. Your neighbours can be your best friends or your worst enemies.

Remember, any so called cash/worthless fiat monopoly money you have in the bank is theirs, not yours as you do not hold this devaluing currency in your own hands. Those criminals will even steal from safety deposit boxes when they are in slow bankruptcy.

Add some 'physical' gold and silver to your stash, even Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will be useful when situations get tough.

God Bless the Americans on the east coast facing the Hurricane.

Sad, how the media has manipulated the masses into thinking everyone is the enemy and pushing war with their lips. The only people benefit from these centuries of wars, are the pedophile controlled bankers, the Federal Reserve, IMF, BIS, the minions like George Soros, Bill Gates, Oprah, and of course the pedophile filled Vatican and child traffiking Queen of England.

Oh yes, the two stooges Killary and Obummer trying to take down American's Hero Trump, we'll see ...