$20,000 (7BTC) Stolen from Bittrex (captured live on video) Huge lesson learned

If you're a trader and you have lost money I am sure you can understand how I feel.

Early this morning after talking with @brandon and @cordjackman on live chat, I logged into my Bittrex account at 2:32 am.

As soon as I open the wallets tab I saw my total was only 4.1 BTC when it should be approximately 11 BTC.

At first, i thought it must be an error or maybe something hadn't updated, but then I realized there were transactions just gone out that I didn't authorize.

The shock hit me and I almost went into an extreme panic mode which never happens.

The first thing I thought about was to record while this was happening to make sure if I needed it for evidence with Bittrex.

This has been such a huge shock I really thought with all my security (2fa, 30 character password) that this wouldn't happen.

What made this situation worse, was not the fact it got stolen but the fact I was in the account while they were doing it, and I was in a panic to try and stop them stealing the rest of the funds.

I have been working night and day to try and get ahead to give me son a better life. I do get a bit emotional in the video but understand that is because of what I have sacrificed to try and get ahead for my family.

I think if maybe the person/people involved new about the person behind the account they may not have stolen this. But then again I guess people that do this don't care they just want to steal people's money regardless of who they are.

I think sometimes these things happen to make us stronger and to be very well prepared to help prevent it happening again.

I know now I will never leave any large amounts on any exchange ever again. This lesson has been a very hard one and one I will never forget, but I will not give up and I will come back even stronger again.

This has now lit a fire under my ass and I will not let this beat me mentally.

I hope you watch the video and you can take something from it and it makes you aware of how dangerous holding any coins on any exchange can be.

Summary 32:25

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