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Whilst Ripple does possess a good case use, its design makes it completely unsuitable as an investment medium. Quite simply it is designed with price manipulation by a governing body as an essential property of its utility. Indeed it is very likely that Venezuela and Russia will use its design as a model for their own fiat cryptocurrency. Remember, the trade in cryptocurrency in general requires that the market assesses value, even if this leads to extreme volatility. We have the curious case of the Steem Dollar, where ill informed buyers bought it at multiple times its theoretical fixed value. In theory we should now be flooding the market with Steem Dollars, to bring it down to its pegged value. However, it seems unlikely that we will do so in any dramatic way, as there seems to be a general preference for allowing the market to correct itself. The Ripple protocol requires immediate action be taken to stabilise the price. Price stability being critical to its intended utility. The question is will those buying into Ripple realise that.