From BITCOIN to the Financial SEED

~Expectations in Money Markets~

We've seen a significant upturn in Bitcoin with the value reaching an all time high on the 9th Anniversary of it's release reaching $6,382.88, and over the past year high percentage yields are across the board in just a short period of time. Just over the past 2 days bitcoin trading volume surpassed 2 billion, we've seen just since the beginning of 2017 Bitcoin increase in value by 534.61%.

~Dire concern about market consistency~

While many are raking in the benefits of this volatile yet lucrative market, not many have strongly considered what use any of this could have in the world as it will become, some speculate yet few know the truth of the script, as it most certainly will become. People are uncertain of the gold standard, finding it mostly useless except as a luxury item, and all the while continuing to use the US dollar which is essentially a faith based currency. The US mark has been taking significant hits from recent engineered economic bubbles bursting, so it's demise is beyond certainty and overdue for a catastrophic collapse. In anticipation of this upcoming economic disaster that will cost the US market trillions of dollars, economist Andrew Smithers warned, “U.S. stocks are now about 80% overvalued.”

~Concerns on investments and infrastructure~

Jim Rogers, who founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros said, "A $68 trillion ‘Biblical’ collapse is poised to wipe out millions of Americans.” You should be concerned, because these two are just a couple of the most powerful men which are responsible for how the world turns on it's feet or on it's head, in regards to finance thereby social order or lack there of...

~On the Brighter Side~

You may consider a positive side to this though the future may seem bleak, there is something we can do about how that future goes for each of us. James Dale Davidson, the famed economist who correctly predicted the economic collapses of 1999 and 2007, said “There is no need to fall victim to the future. If you are on the right side of what’s ahead, you could seize opportunities that come along once, maybe twice, in a lifetime.”

~The Solution is Godcoin~

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This quote we read is from Biblical Prophesy!

Within the Tanakh (Old Testament). Yes that's right, if your top money market influences can tell you this collapse will be Biblical, let us tell you step in and show you how and why:

“It won’t be long before one more time I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land; and I will shake all the nations, so that the treasures of all the nations will flow in; and I will fill this house with glory, The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, The glory of this new house will surpass that of the old, and in this place I will grant peace.” says the Lord of Hosts - Prophesied from Haggai 2:6-9

~Light at the end of the Dark Economic Tunnel~

For the New Kingdom currency Godcoin, we are accepting ground-floor contributions now. As a founder of Sanctuary Interfaith, Cardinal & Apostolic Nuncio of the Ecumenical Order of Christ, I am authorized to gather contributions in the cause of establishing our financial backing for this New Kingdom Currency.


~Godcoin is Coming SOON~

With the links you see below is proof of who we represent, the truthfulness of our assured success, and the nature of what was passed down to us from on high! The authority and the ability to execute righteous judgment over all matters on the whole Earth. To the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, be grateful and praise his Holy name; The Word of God himself, Lord RayEl! God's promised, prophesied, & returned Messiah.

~The anointed Kingdom over the whole Earth~

Lord RayEl will instantly set GodCoin above all other cryptocurrencies, which will have a stable determined value, effectively drawing all people away from other cryptocurrencies to GodCoin as the base currency they can now trust... The true difference between the current volatility and the inevitable financial stability, something cryptocurrencies up until this point have been unable to provide.

~A solid foundation on Earth as it is in Heaven~

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