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Will XRP Overtake Bitcoin ?


There has been a good bit of talk lately about XRP and all the wonderful things it can do along with its so called partnerships with banks.

So would XRP or Ripple ever overtake Bitcoin?

My short answer NO

Why ?

1- Banks Dont Like Bitcoin OR Ripple

Simply put XRP is a single company a single fail point and a single entity. Why in the world would a bank just hand that over to a single company? The answer is that It wouldn't if anything they would come up with their own blockchain and simply just use and siphon off XRP to learn how to use it to their own advantage. No bank is ever going to give its power up to a single outside company its just stupid and makes no business sense at all.

2- Supply and Demand

XRP is already all mined and guess who has control of it and how much it releases? The XRP Company kind of sounds like a government printing money to me. How is Ripple any better then the governments that jacked everything up and why Bitcoin was invented in the first place.

3- Fees

Yes XRP fees are lower but its still working off of POW systems which are very outdated again still no better then bitcoin! While the fees are lower it also is the case that really not that many transactions are taking place on XRP at the moment.

What are you thoughts on XRP Ripple ?

