My Initial Tips and Strategy for Using the Fountain App! And How to Redeem Referral Codes!

Fountain App for Apple and Android

Had a convo with a buddy in the comments of my last post about the fountain app and I figured, why not make it into a post?

Which is nice for you all cause you get a 2 for 1!

But anyways here's the Goods!

Tutorial: How to Redeem Referral Codes in the Fountain App

When you open the app go to wallet


Then it shows a referral section in my wallet tab. Your app should be same or similar hopefully

But hit multiply earnings


Hit redeem code at the bottom


Then boom! Enter the code


My Initial Thoughts, Tips, and How I Plan To Use The Fountain App Going Forward

There's actually a lot of really good podcasts but not all of them are lightning podcasts. so if you want to earn by listening find the lighting podcast.


  • I like to listen to podcasts while I'm out driving, or doing chores around the house. If nothing else I get to tokenize that time listening to content that I enjoy.

  • If there's a certain part of the show that you like, make a clip of it and share it with others. You earn btc for that too.

  • If you're going to do a show, make it a good podcast and interesting. The streaming sat works by sats per minute listened, so if your podcast is good and people listen longer you earn more sats.

Strategy and Other Thoughts

I'm just now getting on the app so I don't know how much is possible over the course of a month or anything like that yet. But I feel like this might be something like hive for me.

I won't make enough off of the platform to live off but I'll earn enough over the course of a week to keep me interested. And by playing the long-term game over time I'll have built up a decent-sized holding.

And more this is based on the idea of value for value. Which is similar to what we have on hive in idea but since there's no staking in this system it works a little different, which is interesting to me.

This seems to run more on ads and tips outside of the streaming. Which is new to me with this type of content.

So yeah, I think there's a lot to learn and a lot of fun to be had on this platform and the lighting network in general.




List Nerd's: Tools For Email Marketing!



Support Tako Using the Bitcoin Lightning Network


Get Paid Bitcoin to Listen to Podcasts!

The Fountain podcast app is the only app that rewards both listeners and podcasters for the value they bring to the platform.

Screenshot (159).png
Use the link or referral code below to support the show and set started earning Bitcoin NOW!

Referral Code: @CoinRunner7-ceb06f47c5

Tutorial: How to redeem referral codes in the fountain app!

Stream Sats to The Uncle Project!

The Uncle Project Podcast


My Blog's Magical Lightning Address

Any Lightning BTC sent to this address will be converted to Hive and sent to @bigtakosensei
My Bitcoin lightning address that turns lightning bitcoin into Hive for the account @bigtakosensei
Support the blog using Lightning BTC by scanning the QR code above or at the lightning address:
Thank You!

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