Could someone please help me understand (in technically simplistic manner, if possible) the basic fundamentals of the bitcoin in regards to that there is supposedly NO CENTRAL place from which it is feasable to manage bitcoin and that there will be a maximum of 21.000.000 bitcoins that will EVER be mined.

I am confused, because there are reports of the bitcoin being constantly improved by „the developers“ in regards to speed and throughput capacity. If there is formally no CEO of bitcoin and no company that represents the bitcoin, who are „the developers“ that are authorised to announce and make the improvements or „forks“ ? – how are they authorised to mess with the centrally non-mannaged blockchain that bitcoin runs on ? If there is no central hub from which the bitcoin is managed, does that mean, since bitcoin is open source protocol, that anyone can improve its advancement !? Doesn t that mean that since the improvement (by democratically termed „anyone“) is possible, that the disruption (injecting a malitious virus that vacumes BTCes from your e-wallet or extending the maximum limit of 21 million bitcoins to, for exhample 100 million bitcoins) is in fact possible as well ?

I would really be thankfull if someone could clarify this nagging bug in the back of my mind.

Having been „educated“ by Gladiacoin ponzi scheme, I have become kind of paranoid on any „features“ claims that seem somehow contradictional in reality.

The sweet story that Gladiacoin scammers have sold the audience (myself, regretfully, included) was the alleged Gladiacoin s cryptocurrency trading between various exchanges where the price differences were substantional, depending of the country the exchange was located in. The gullable investors were lead to believe that they were supporting their „trading“ by their participation – bitcoin payments.

Simillar to Gladiacoin, there is the newest (sweet) „investment opportunity“ by the name of BitClub Network – by your initial bitcoin payment, you invest in hardware (so the story goes) that mines bitcoin, and you are periodically assigned the amount of (allegedly) mined bitcoins that corespond to the amount of funds that you have invested. It sounds like the same Gladiacoin story, just wrapped in the other package. At least it looks that way from my imbittered Gladiacoin sucker/victim perspective.

BitClub Network RED FLAG alert:

Satan is the father of all liyes, a deceiver, an illusionist - in short, a magician.
Do the math yourself...

According to Bix Weir, it is not the fabled and mythical Satoschi Nakamoto that has created bitcoin, but rather "the best world s programmer" - Alan Greenspan. Alan was a chairman of FED for a while, and FED is known as the hub of the magicians that create fiat money "out of thin air".

Once a magician, always a magician !

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