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All I Want for my Birthday is China Held Accountable for Ruining the Developed World

It was this time last year, January 19th in fact, that the world was being lied to by China, how China had been covering up the coronavirus outbreak for months, since approximately November 2019.

All I have seen is low quality governance and lazy work ethics from governments around the world for over a year now, its very easy to achieve the lockdown, and its also a violation of my rights.


So all I want for this year, is to see people demand accountability from China for their crimes against humanity pertaining to the coronavirus.

Don't wish me happy birthday, make a blog or social media post demanding accountability from China for November 2019 to January 2020. I have no interest to share sympathy anymore, I want cold hard cash for the life long damages china's lack of concern for human life has caused us all.

China is a fucking ass hole, and I fucking mean that from the bottom of my heart, FUCK YOU XI.