I’ve Joined the Biohacking Cult


This little gem right here is the Oura ring, a health tool for nerds. It tracks your sleep stages, resting heart rate, heart rate variability, temperature and basic activity. It’s a Finnish based company that seems to have taken the health nut world by a storm in the recent year or so.

While I’m no health freak, I do believe that every one of us is responsible for our own health and monitoring it. No-one will know you like you know yourself. I find it extremely interesting to see data about how my body is doing.

I had been considering getting an apple watch but I don’t wear watches, they don’t suit my style and would be very annoying to wear at night, unlike this gorgeous ring which is a pleasure to wear 24/7. And since it’s a Finnish company, it’s designed to withstand even a sauna.

I’ve only had this ring for about a week so I’m very new to it and it will take time to establish all the base lines and see more clearly how my body works, but I’m so into it. Do note that this is not a fitness tracker and you can’t get your heart rate on demand, it only tracks it during sleep and rest. I don’t do much sports so I’m happy with the ring just counting my steps and then I can manually input other workouts to keep track of my overall activity.

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If you are interested, I can keep you guys updated after I’ve had the ring for a month or so.

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