Saved by pots & pans: The story

Howdy fellow Hivers,

Greetings from the wild tropical Coast, how you guys been? I have been good and busy.
Listen, whatever positive you are doing, you are getting there. Baby steps people :)

So, Someone (@tanjakolader) has requested the story of me being saved by a few pots and pans at a police stakeout during total lockdown. Let me write you the story then....

So, this happened like two weeks ago. My cousin and I temporaly moved to another house but we moved in hastely and with the idea that we had everything. Well no! There were no pots and pans and some ingredients we needed. So we thought we could hold it out by eating bread (We bought several packs) but you can't feed two grownass men with bread.

There was this continous creeping of hunger and the contemplating to drive through the total lockdown to my house to take some ' essentials'. Some people we know tried it and were succesfull, to drive in the total lockdown. The penalty when caught is a ticket and a sleepover at the 'some policestation where persons who broke the curfew, for the rest of the weekend total lockdown.
So we thought and thought and we thought.
The voices in the belly were in the discussion too. So when it became we HAVE to go, we went right away too!

We went with our mind at full cruise (using all the shortcuts) and the car at fast pace.
We arrived at my house and I went inside, I got a call from my cousin. He said: Do quick, the police is here!
So according to him, he was turning the car, the police stopped him asking where his lockdown permit,which we did not have. He just said to them and I quote:

"Officer, I have an essential reason to drive without a permit - I am hungry and there are no pots and pans to make my food, so I came here to collect some of it with my cousin" The officer asked him to call me up.. while I was retrieving the pots and pans. So they waited but then they moved further up the street, we got the pans and drove their stake-out to confirm our 'essential reason'.
They literally took the bag to inspect and I had put in two pans and a pot, some onions and garlic and corned beef (so now you know what we ate! ;) ). They agve permission to let us travel home and we did! We raced home maybe breaking some speedlimit here and there.

Thats the story: Saved by pots and pans (and hunger, maybe)
The morale: Honesty brings you far...
I have more stories though, like once when I found how cool it is to be a bird watcher.

Grantangi(Thank you) for reading the story

With love,motev.


...**And yes I make my own content/graphics****

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