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Binance swipes away that wallet dust for you

Gas, minimum order limits and inaccurate order execution, fees... all of that leaves small amounts of crypto on your Binance account. Most of it is well below any significant sum. Couple of cents at best. However, if you trade many currencies this will quickly add up to few dollars. Exchange tried to partially fix this by offering you to pay fees from your Binance coin (BNB) so you don't have to think about fees affecting your trade. That alone is not enough though.

Luckily, Binance takes it one step further. It now gives you the ultimate tool to get rid of your wallet dust: you can convert it all to Binance coin via built in conversion tool. As seen on screenshot, you'll simply click on "Convert to BNB" button and you'll find yourself on confirmation page listing all your wallet dust. You may pick whether to convert everything or just some coins. The only limitation is, that this can be done only once per 24 hours.

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