Binance looking for 20 Partners - Announced a Big Fund

Binance, already enjoying the number one spot in Cryptocurrency exchange ranking in term of volume is trying everything to Progress more in more. We we look few years back there were nothing like Binancebut bitrex was. Today When we talk about cryptocurrency exchange Binance is the first thing that comes in our mind.


On 31 May in Online MeetUp, Head of Binance Labs Ella Zhang announced 1 Billion Dollar fund. This fund will be used for investing in startup's and in other blockchain funds.

Binance has currently invested in Projects Including Mobilecoin,Certik, Republic.

And an Amazing Thing in it is that all the investment will be made using BNB Token which currently has a market cap of
$1.6 Billion. An Addition of 1 Billion will Pump it.
Binance will make the investments using its BNB token, which currently has a market cap of nearly $1.6 billion and will serve as the native currency of the firm’s planned public blockchain

Ella Zhang more said " Investment is all one level, and it is held on a long-term basis. We do proper asset management. We like to lock in long-term projects. Investors and entrepreneurs are locked together. Not believers do not enter"

Fund Members will be required to provide proof of qualification, fundsize and will have the authority to recommend projects to Binance lab.

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