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Hide the Hurt, It Will Only Grow.

Hide the hurt inside of you, nobody is ready for your hurt, learn how to stay strong, move on and fake smiles, it will stop all the questions. Questions that when answered will not even lead to a solution because everyone you see have their own problems that hurt them.


Put on a smile that will confuse an approaching from. The world always looks brighter from behind because of the smile people put on.

Behind every mans smile is everything you'll never understand because its better to have a fake smile than a nasty snare. Always stay strong, let them wonder why you're still smiling, even if you've got nothing, don't let anything take away your smile.

Even if you can't fake your feelings, your smile will hide the hurt. The best way to get away from trouble is putting on s smile even of its a fake one.

If you see a friend without a smile put one on their face even if you're wearing a fake one. You're sick of crying, tired of trying, just hide the hurt because it will only grow. You're smiling doesn't mean you're happy, it takes just one smile to hide a million tears.

Hide the hurt with a smile, showing it will only hurt you the more.
