Stop When Your Done.

Our greatest glory never come from failing but from rising after failing or falling. All dreams can come true if only we have the zeal and courage to pursue them. Things will surely move slowly, never think it happens over night but as long as you don't stop, you'll realize that every thing you ever wanted is at the other side of fear.


People say motivation don't last, it won't last forever that's why you need to motivate your self daily. Develop your success from failures, there is something to learn in every failure, make sure you're sensitive. You don't have to do great things but you can do small things in a great way. Time is limited, don't waste your time watching the time but do what the time keeps doing,"move". Don't waste your time trying to leave someone else's life when you can do a whole lot of grate things your self.

You can never get there by wishing or hoping for it, you have to work and walk toward it. Good thing never comes easy, I am a witness to that. You plan like this today and the day gives you like that. If only we could predict the next second, things would have been easier.

Don't wait or expect anybody to come change your life, only you can. You have to put in work for someone to even help you, don't sit idle. Life is 10% of what happens to you and %90 how you will react to it. Never give up, have a strong faith, that will lead you to great achievements. Each day comes with new thoughts and strength, don't allow the failure of yesterday weigh you down.

Failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeeded is strong enough.

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