Feminist straight women had a moral-political obligation to become lesbians in the 1970s-80s. Nothing really new today.


If you're a liberal in your mid-thirties or older, and you've been somewhat morally consistent over the last twenty years or so, you've lived through the coalition that included liberals, libertarians, and leftists in the condemnation of the "pray the gay away" camps. There was an understanding and acceptance of the idea that you can't force yourself to be attracted to somebody who you're not, even if that person is of the sex that you're generally attracted to. I'm attracted to women; but, that doesn't mean that I'm attracted to all women.

It was an agreement that sexual desire wasn't a choice made with complete freedom, and that there was nothing wrong with you if there were certain people that you do and don't want to have sex with. There's nothing to fix about you.

Well, this is where the leftists are at least starting to mirror the right. I'm currently unaware of any leftist who is calling for straight men and lesbians to be thrown into camps to learn to enjoy sucking a dick; but, the idea that it's a form of bigotry to not want to date a trans person is fairly prevalent on the left. It's different in terms of who is being targeted for deprogramming and reeducation; but, the idea that there's something wrong with you if you aren't sexually attracted to certain people, or certain traits of certain people is consistent in both cases.

Now, granted, if you're fully devoted to the religion of wokeness, you can see some moral coherence to your argument. Straight men haven't been historically goaded into obscurity. I've never had to be afraid to tell anybody who I'm generally attracted to. So, it makes sense within your religion that I should, often literally, "suck it up."

Still, the rhetoric is rife with inconsistency. If I'm a straight man who doesn't want to have sex with another person who has a penis, why am I the focus of your ire when there's a large group of women in this world who wouldn't want to have sex with a woman who happens to have a penis? Why are you generally not talking about how gay men are bigots for not wanting to have sex with people who have vaginas regardless of gender identity? Why isn't your rhetoric coherent in the least bit when placed on the spectrum that places "Sexual attraction isn't a choice; and, unless you want to have sex with kids or other people who aren't of sound mind, it's not our business and we'll leave you alone." on one side, with "Sexual attraction is a choice. There's something wrong with you if you don't conform to our standards." on the other?

I have a few hypotheses here. The least nefarious that I can imagine is that you're not a smart person, and you haven't thought about this for two minutes. The second least nefarious is that you're a religious follower of wokeness and you've decided to be a conduit for whatever messages your masters want perpetuated. The other, I'll leave open for others to speculate upon for the time being.

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