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What is Paradise and Hell? (parable)

One day a kind person conversed with God and asked him: "Lord, I would like to know what is Paradise and what is Hell".

There is nothing easier, said the Lord!

Then he went to two doors, opened one and led a good man inside.

There was a huge round table, in the middle of which stood a huge bowl full of deliciously smelling food.

The kind person felt that his mouth watered.

However, the people sitting around the table looked hungry and sick, dying of hunger.

They all had spoons with long, long handles attached to their hands.

They could get a bowl filled with food and gather food, but since the handles at the spoons were too long, they could not bring the spoons to their mouths.

The good man was shocked by the sight of their misfortune. The Lord said, "You have just seen Hell."

Then the Lord and the good man went to the second door. The Lord opened it.

The scene that the good man saw was identical to the previous one.

There was a huge round table, the same giant bowl that made his mouth fill with saliva.

People sitting around the table were holding the same spoons with very long handles.

Only this time they looked full, happy and engrossed in pleasant conversations with each other.

A good man said to the Lord: "I do not understand."

It's simple, "- replied the Lord," They have learned to feed - each other.

Those that were behind the first door - THINK only about themselves. "

Hell and Paradise are the same.

The difference is within us.
