A Great Reminder for me. Perhaps for you too...

It is easy to get caught up in what we do not have. This is not simply a steem-centric phenomenon, but a phenomenon that permeates all levels and spheres of the human experience.

However, as easy as it is to focus on "what we lack", it is easier still is it to ignore the simple grandeur with which we are blessed in this life. Perhaps more importantly, though, we are blessed with the capacity to create and support creators as they practice the experience of what it means to be "made in the image of the Creator".

Well this is a video served as a wonderful reminder to me of all the above. It helped remind me to appreciate what I have, while also validating the notion that we can create in ways that break down the rules to help others. And by helping others we give meaning to our own lives.

This video not only brings attention to + those with Color Vision Deficiency (Colorblindness), but also served as a strong reminder of another kind of color blindness. The kind that tells us we cannot do amazing things to help others and achieve great heights in the human experience. The kind that tries to make us forget the power of creation and the Creator in whose image we were formed. To simply turn our heads and search for the next reason why "we cannot do" X, Y, Z....etc.

I posted "Beauty for more to See" by TNVacations because it captures the essence of what I have tried (and never accomplised to the degree I wished) to do with beyondbitcoin. Because the essence of beyondbitcoin is to help remind us all that we can honestly look at the world and our capacity to change big things...not by starting small, but instead by recognizing that we are all creators. We all are very big. We just sometimes need to use new lenses to see it...



(Pretend i inserted epic advertisements saying how to get crypto rich-- Right Here)

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