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Best WordPress Plugins - 103 plug

Dear friends, today I will share its new selection of the best WordPress plugins. Since the compilation of the previous list of 84 Best WordPress Plugin much time has passed, some of the information is outdated, so I decided to make a new version. The preparation, organization and writing of this collection, I spent a total of seven days.

List of plug-ins is not simply updated. This is an entirely new selection with the development of the modern Internet, the blogosphere and social services. Plug-ins that have not been updated and do not work in the new WordPress version (even if they were popular in the past), I did not include in the selection.

I also did not pursue in order to be placed in the collection of the largest possible number of plug-ins - this is not necessary. For each item I have reviewed dozens of plug-ins and selected the best, in my opinion.

The idea is not to put a lot of plug-ins, and to find the best for their needs. So try and choose ๐Ÿ™‚. I once wrote a detailed post full guide to the WordPress , which is suitable for all who wish to get started with this blog engines.

Summary of today's selections: plugins of SEO, for backups, security, content security, anti-spam, to monetize your blog to Twitter, Facebook and Vkontakte and other social plugins for the statistics and analysts, for the convenience of visitors to the blog, comments, feedback from visitors to the blog, plugins for images and galleries to insert audio, video and other files, to speed up WordPress for RSS feeds for the blog owner, as well as additional plug-ins, and a list of resources for a WordPress plugin. Ufff, looked at the content, and the most was scared ๐Ÿ™‚.

SEO plugins for WordPress

  1. the All in the One of SEO Pack - this is a real classic of the genre among plugins for WordPress blog optimization. This plugin allows you to optimize your blog for search engines. In particular, it allows the individual to register meta title, description and keywords, which increases the value of your site for search engines. I consider it a must to be installed on any blog.

  2. at least a Platinum of SEO Pack - another useful plugin for internal optimization blog on WordPress. He has a lot of options and opportunities. For example, Platinum SEO Pack is able to automatically create a 301 redirect if the URLs change, which is very convenient.

  3. of SEO the Ultimate - a good plugin to optimize WordPress blog with a lot of features. It allows you to optimize meta tags to keep track of broken links, edit the .htaccess and robots.txt files and much more.

  4. the WordPress of SEO - an interesting plugin to optimize your blog for search engine promotion.

  5. the Google the Sitemaps the XML - useful plugin that generates a sitemap in xml format, which helps search engine spiders to index your blog. After creating a site map recommend to add it to the panel webmasters Google and Yandex .

  6. the WP the Sitemap - to improve the indexing of your blog search engines (besides sitemap in xml format), you can make a map in html format. Plugin WP Sitemap just for this purpose and designed. Everything is simple - install the plugin, create a page (not post) and put on it the following code: [wp_sitemap]. Map blog in html format ready!

  7. the HTML Page the Sitemap - for those who like to create yourself the complexity and then heroically them to overcome ๐Ÿ™‚a plugin HTML Page Sitemap. Yes kidding ๐Ÿ˜‰. This plug-in also creates a site map in html format, but it has a lot more options. Or, you can just make the page and placed after activating the plugin here this code: [html-sitemap].

  8. of SEO Friendly All Images Related - who said that the promotion of pictures has no effect? Okay, something I'm nervous today, some aggression, need to calm down ๐Ÿ˜‰. Promotion picture is becoming more promising. If you wish to receive more visitors from the search for the pictures, the plugin SEO Friendly Images - what you need. It allows you to register attributes alt and title to the pictures on your blog.

  9. the Keyword the Statistics - This plugin allows you to determine the density of search terms when writing articles and helps to optimize the meta tags.

WordPress Plugins for backups

Regularly make backups not only useful, but also a must. Because backups can always quickly recover the site. I sincerely advise you not to neglect regular backups and keep the database, image files, and your blog.

  1. the WP-DBManager - multifunctional plugin which allows you to store your blog's data base, and to restore it, delete and add the table. Plugin WP-DBManager has developed a well-known WordPress plugins Lester Chan created. I had once interviewed, which you can read at your leisure - Lester Chan, author of many popular WordPress plugins,, Singapore .

  2. the WordPress the Backup - This plugin allows you to save images from a folder uploads, theme files and plug-ins to your blog in a zip archive. It is possible to send the saved file to the e-mail. If you use plugins WP-DBManager the Backup and WordPress together, then you will have all the necessary backups of your WordPress blog.

  3. the WordPress the EZ the Backup - but the plug-in that combines the functions of two previous ones. It can save your blog as a base of data and files. Ability to configure automatic saving backups perfectly complements the functionality of the plugin. About as he had said, even like myself ๐Ÿ˜‰.

  4. Online the Backup for WordPress - yet another solution for WordPress backups. Online Backup for WordPress allows you to store your blog's data base, and send for backup e-mail, save to your desktop or send to the developer's server, where all who wish to enjoy a 50 Mb free space.

  5. BackWPup - another useful WordPress plugin to create backups of your blog. Apart from saving the database and links on e-mail, have a choice of backup formats - zip, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2 . BackWPup makes it possible to optimize and repair the database, and save a blog data in xml format.

WordPress security plugins

Security blog is an important point that should not be neglected. Plugins are a good means of increasing the level of security of your blog. At 100% protect your blog will not work. Each type of protection poses certain obstacles and difficulties for the attackers. The more obstacles, the better. You can read my series of articles WordPress Security , Part 2 and Part 3 .

  1. the WP Security the Scan - start with plugins-scanners. WP Security Scanner hides the WordPress version, and also scans your blog for a variety of vulnerabilities, such as the rights to the files and folders too simple password, etc. and makes recommendations for their correction. In addition, this plugin allows you to change the prefix from the database.

  2. the WP the Secure - if for any reason the plug-in will not work, then try this. WP Secure will scan your blog to 23 security points. Allows you to restrict the entrance to the admin area and make it possible only with your IP.

  3. BulletProof Security - useful plugin for WordPress security. BulletProof Security allows you to protect your important files to your blog (wp-config.php, php.ini and php5.ini) via an .htaccess file. There is a mode for maintenance work on the blog. Turns error messages, hiding WordPress version and checks the rights to folders and files.

  4. the Secure the WordPress - a cool plugin that removes the error messages on the login page, hides the version information of the blog, add a blank index.html file in the folder with plug-ins, so no one can see a list of plug-ins used.

  5. Login TUVdotCOM Service LockDown - logs all failed login attempts in the admin area of your blog WordPress, captures the IP and time, IP blocks after three failed login attempts for 5 minutes (you can specify a different period).

  6. the WordPress the File the Monitor - useful plugin that monitors for changes in files of your blog, and in the case of unauthorized edit, delete or add files to send you a message to the e-mail. A sort of a modest but useful workaholic ๐Ÿ™‚.

  7. AntiVirus - convenient plug-in for checking your blog for viruses and exploits. You can configure automatic daily checks with the report sent to you on e-mail.

Plug-ins for content protection

This point is controversial. I myself am not a supporter of disabling the right mouse button or the ability to select text - it may be necessary, and regular readers of your blog. There is no way to 100% protect your content from copying. If the site is laid out on the Internet who want to always find a way to copy the content. Nevertheless, I know that for some bloggers important to protect your content, so for them I picked up the following plug-ins.

  1. Blog Protector - This plugin does not allow to press the right mouse on the pages of your blog and disables the ability to highlight text.

  2. Protection the WP - in addition to disabling the right mouse button and select text, this plugin allows you to disable the RSS feed of your blog. As is known, the content often copy it via RSS.

WordPress Plugins to combat spam

  1. by Akismet - one of the most popular WordPress plugins, the number of downloads that exceeded 4 million. It happens that the Akismet spam mistaking normal comments, but overall it is indispensable and helps to automatically filter out spam. This is one of those plug-ins that I put in the first place. Incidentally, the author of this plugin - himself Matt Mullenweg, the creator of WordPress.

  2. Antispam will the Bee - literally the name of the plugin to fight spam is translated as "Anti-spam Bee" ๐Ÿ™‚. It allows you to effectively deal with spam by automatic substitution of text field. Spam can be either removed immediately or simply marked to the blog owner himself made โ€‹โ€‹the decision about the removal of a particular comment.

  3. NoSpamNX - effective WordPress plugin to fight spam. It is convenient for users, since they do not need to enter complex security codes, and allows you to filter out a significant portion of spam. The principle of substitution fields.

WordPress Plugins to Monetize Your Blog

  1. iMoney - an interesting plugin to monetize your blog with good functionality. Works with Google Adsense systems, Sape, TNX / XAP, Begun , Mainlink, Linkfeed, Adskape. It allows you to place ads before or after the text of the article, widgets, or the bottom of the blog.

  2. AdRotate - useful WordPress plugin that allows you to display banners rotation (that is, with each reload the page on the same site will show another banner).

! By the way for readers Now there are special discounts on my books: "SEO Collider" . - About effective methods of promotion of sites in RuNet, which I use for my client sites and "SEO Winchester" - on effective ways to optimize e-commerce sites; " SEO intelligence " - on how to conduct competitive intelligence in SEO and use methods leading competitors to promote their site.

  1. the All in the One the Adsense and YPN - a popular plug-in that allows you to automatically insert Google Adsense ad units advertising systems or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN). In the settings you can specify the color, size and location of the ads, and the units will automatically be placed in all of your blog posts.

  2. the Easy the AdSense - a popular plug-in for placement of Google Adsense contextual advertising in the posts and lateral column WordPress blog. In addition, the plug-in allows you to put on the blog search box on Google.

  3. the Simple the Adsense - simple and easy plug-in to insert Google Adsense ad units on the blog. The owner of the blog provides several fields for inserting content or other advertising, which can then be put in the right place positions in the form of short codes of the form [adsense_id = "1"].

  4. s2Member - a very interesting plugin that is suitable for a living on the English-language blogs. It allows you to do some of the materials of your blog accessible only to visitors who have paid access through PayPal. You can set 4 types of paid subscribers, as well as specify the payment period - from daily to yearly.

  5. the WP an e-Commerce is - this plugin allows you to add a shopping cart to your blog.

Now digress. If you want to know about the methods of promotion, which give a good effect to increase targeted traffic, I can offer my research paid SEO intelligence , in which I have the example of 10 young profitable sites of different subjects showed how they move, and described how it can be used for the promotion of their resources.

WordPress Plugins for Twitter

Twitter microblogging service has become increasingly popular. It must be used if you run your blog. This will get more visitors and preview content for your blog. Links to Twitter quickly indexed by search engines. You can read my article on Twitter - How to make an answering machine for Twitter , My new achievements on Twitter and best Twitter clients + bonus .

  1. Xhanch - the My Twitter - a popular plug-in that allows you to display your Twitter posts on your blog. It supports multiple accounts and has a lot of settings. Xhanch - My Twitter is easy and fast, as it has a caching system.

  2. Clever Tweet You - interesting WordPress plugin for Twitter, which also allows you to display your message on the blog, but it does so with a nice animation on jQuery. Surely you have met a similar effect on blogs, Twitter posts when scrolls themselves. You can set the scroll interval to enable or disable retweets, etc. There cache to reduce the load on the hosting.

  3. Tweet You This - a popular plug-in that will allow to add a retweet button in the posts on your WordPress blog.

  4. the TweetMeme the Button - another plugin that adds a retweet button to your blog material, as well as RSS feeds. You can implement the retweet button in RSS and without a plug, if we use the article Sergei Feschukova Adding ReTweet button RSS-feed without plugins .

  5. the WP-Twitter Retweet the Button - if you like the official retweet button on Twitter, then install this plugin. It has all the required settings.

  6. Tweet You Tweet You - an interesting plugin that allows you to store your messages on Twitter, as well as posts from your Twi-tape in your WordPress blog database.

  7. TweetUpdater - if you do not want to manually configure the publication of announcements of your blog posts on Twitter via Feedburner service (which can be done by this article , the right information goes after "Redirect RSS blog feed via Feedburner serviceยป), it can be implemented using this plugin.

WordPress plugins for Facebook

Facebook is actively gaining popularity in runet. If you blog, I advise you to have an account in this social network and create a page of your blog. On Facebook, I wrote the following positions - How to make a Facebook page to attract visitors to the site , and How to add Facebook to your website .

  1. the WP-FacebookConnect - allows users to post comments on your blog using the authorization on Facebook. Please note that comments will not be saved in your blog database.

  2. Facebook Comments for the WordPress - This plugin - an analogue of the previous one, it also allows visitors to comment on your blog using your Facebook account.

  3. Share the On with Facebook - this plugin places in your blog posts add a button to Facebook, so that visitors can share their favorite materials in this social network.

  4. Like - This plugin allows you to place another key to add in Facebook - Like (or "Like"). There are all the desired settings.

  5. with Facebook a Fan box - handy plugin to display the unit of your friends on your blog. It allows everybody to join you on Facebook in one click.

WordPress plugins for Vkontakte

As I wrote a post FaceBook How to add Vkontakte to your site so that it can read.

  1. โ€‹โ€‹VKontakte Share the Button - useful WordPress plugin that allows you to insert button add your articles in social network Vkontakte. You can configure the type of button, the horizontal and vertical position, the display in the posts and / or pages, specify the type of description and provide a link to your blog's logo.

Other WordPress social plugins

  1. BuddyPress - a popular plug-in that allows you to create a social network on the basis of WordPress blog. Functionality includes the ability to register users, creating groups of users maintain blogs, private messaging, Activity Stream, and more. For BuddyPress created a lot of plugins that can be found on this page . There site Russian version of BuddyPress and translated into Russian plugins .

  2. List Social the Profiles the Widget - is a plugin that allows you to display icons with links to your profiles on various social networks.

  3. and Protocols AddThis - one of the most popular services of adding buttons to social services (by the way, it scripts offered on the site are suitable for on any engines) offers a WordPress plugin. What is remarkable - among nearly three hundred social services offered by the buttons have Vkontakte.

  4. Share and Classifieds Follow - excellent plug-in for the insertion of adding buttons to social services on your blog. You can select the desired type of buttons, there are a lot of settings. These buttons can be done without plug-ins, to do this, use my article How to add the button social services on your blog .

  5. List Social the Media the Widget - another plugin that allows you to put on your blog, add a button to social services. You can choose from 3 sizes of buttons, 4 styles and 4 animation effects.

WordPress Plugins for statistics and analytics

  1. the WP-the log-a robots - a great plugin that allows you to keep track of when and how the crawler visits your blog, and what pages of your blog he visited. All information is stored in a plain text file.

  2. Google Analytics for the WordPress - known plug-in to work with Google Analytics statistics system. It allows you to analyze complex statistics of visits your blog.

  3. the WP-Stats-the Dashboard - a very interesting plug-in for the analysis of statistics. Its peculiarity is that the owner of the blog is displayed in the statistics of social services ranging from graphics to the dynamics of growth in the number of followers on Twitter, and ending with the data for individual keywords.

WordPress plugins for the convenience of visitors to the blog

I identified a number of plug-ins, which are well suited for the creation of the convenience of visitors to your blog, as a separate item.

  1. Loginza - handy plugin to authenticate visitors to your blog using the account on popular services Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, MyOpenID, Google, etc.

  2. the WP-PageNavi - plug-in to create pagination on a WordPress blog. By default, WordPress is no such function. WP-PageNavi allows for pagination to the blog pages got numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. I advise you to put this plug-in, as the page-navigation is convenient for visitors.

  3. the GD the Star Rating - a popular plug-ranking posts on your blog so that visitors can evaluate your materials. There are many kinds of settings.

  4. the Subscribe to Comments Now! - A plugin that allows visitors to subscribe to the comments on the article of interest to them by e-mail. There is a subscription option is no comment.

  5. by Yet for Another updates Related Posts the Plugin - a plugin to automatically display related articles on your blog. I have repeatedly convinced that if placed at the end of each article, a list of similar, it increases the number of page views and time that visitors are spending on your blog.

  6. updates Related Posts Thumbnails - great plugin, which also displays the related posts, only with pictures. As a result, the effect for increasing page views on your blog.

  7. syntaxhighlighter Evolved - if you need to publish the code samples on my blog, I advise you to install this plugin for syntax highlighting. As a result, visitors will be much more convenient to study your proposed code.

  8. the WordPress of Popular Posts - great plugin that displays a list of the most popular posts on your blog that allows visitors to instantly see your best material.

  9. Most Commented the Widget - another useful plugin that displays a list of the most commented article on your blog.

  10. the WP-Polls - you want to do surveys of visitors to your blog? Then you need the plugin WP-Polls.

  11. Polldaddy Polls & Ratings has - other WordPress plugin to create a survey of visitors to your blog. There are all the necessary adjustments.

  12. GTranslate - a plugin that will allow visitors to translate your article to any of the 58 languages โ€‹โ€‹offered. According to statistics, it covers 98% of Internet users in the world.

  13. the Better the Tag Cloud - not only beautiful display a tag cloud, but also customize it flexibly. There are a lot of settings on the color and size before to ask your visual style and display certain tags in the cloud.

  14. Configurable the Tag Cloud - Another WordPress plugin for tag clouds with good functionality.

  15. Breadcrumb NavXT - popular plugin for creating navigation in the style of "breadcrumbs", which is not only convenient for users, but also has a positive effect on the internal linking of the blog. "Breadcrumbs" look like - Home, Category, Post name .

WordPress Plugins for comments

  1. Disqus the Comment the System - plug on the popular service Disqus comments. This system replaces the standard WordPress comments and makes them easier for commentators (they do not need to fill in every time the name and e-mail), and for the blog owner. Moreover, all comments are saved in your blog database, so at any time, this plugin can be disabled, and the comments will be displayed in a standard form.

  2. IntenseDebate Comments - plug comments from other known systems - Intense Debate. Also extends the capabilities of the system of default WordPress comments and synchronizes all comments with the database. As with Disqus, the blog owner can respond to comments by e-mail, which is very convenient.

  3. by Greg's Threaded the Comment Numbering - Numbering plugin for tree yet.

  4. the Top commentators the Widget - if you want to encourage visitors to comment, you can place in the side column of a list of the most active commentators with this plugin.

  5. Dofollow - another plugin for increasing the number of comments on your blog. It allows you to link to other websites commentators open to indexing by search engines, removing the attribute rel = "nofollow". This will make your blog more appealing to the commentators who will get indexed links to your site. At the same time we must note that the number of manual spam increases.

  6. CommentLuv - popular in the English-speaking Internet plug-in that displays a link to the last post of the commentator.

Plug-ins for feedback from blog visitors

Getting feedback from the visitors to your site is an important consideration for many webmasters.

  1. cforms - very nice and handy plugin for creating a contact form on your blog. I take it this plugin. Settings very much, but to understand them is quite simple.

  2. Contact the Form 7 - another popular plugin to create a feedback form on the WordPress blog. At the same time simple and functional, has all the necessary settings to create the correct contact form.

  3. the Fast the Secure Contact the Form - the contact form plugin with many options and protection against bots. However, CAPTCHA (security code) is in all plug-ins listed me for feedback.

WordPress Plugins for images and galleries

  1. NextGEN Gallery - this plugin to create a gallery of images on the blog is in the top 10 most downloaded WordPress plugins. It has plenty of options to create your desired photo galleries. You can set various effects by changing the images, you can automatically apply a watermark, create slideshows and more. Demo gallery can be seen on the developer's website , in the right column, you can go on a variety of design options, and in the pages of examples will be given codes needed to create one or another variant.

  2. 3D Carousel the Menu the FX - plug-in to create very spectacular three-dimensional "carousel" of the images. The demo can be viewed on this page . It is better to see once ๐Ÿ™‚.

  3. Page the Flip Image Gallery - with the help of this plug-in to create a stylish image gallery with page turning effect. It looks great! What I write better themselves look ๐Ÿ™‚ .

  4. the WordPress Slide the Content - This plugin allows you to create a beautiful slideshow of your images. Images themselves will change. Here is a demo of one of the options .

Plugins to insert audio, video and other files

  1. the Smart the YouTube - a great plugin to insert videos from Youtube. It allows you to set the desired size of the video window and set the player's color.

  2. the Video Embedder - handy plugin to insert videos from popular video sharing on your blog. Although quite a while it has not been updated, it works and in new versions WordPress.

  3. the WordPress the Video the Plugin - if you do not earn the previous one, put it. It also supports dozens of popular video sharing and makes it easy to embed the video on your blog.

  4. the Google Doc Embedder - the larger format in presenting the material on your blog you use, the better. Visitors love the variety. Google Doc Embedder Plug-in will allow you to easily insert documents in DOC, DOCX, PDF, TIFF, as well as presentations to PPT and PPS. For this purpose only, you must first download them to a service Google Docs .

  5. the Allow a Word / a Powerpoint / the Excel file the uploads - do not want to use Google Docs, but still want to publish "vordovskie" files and presentations on your blog? It features this plugin, which enables downloading materials from your computer directly to your blog. In addition to DOC files, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, this plugin supports Excel spreadsheet (XLS and XLSX).

  6. WPaudio the MP3 Player Get - a popular plug-in for the insertion of audio files and podcasts for WordPress bloggers. Simple and easy to use music player with user friendly interface. There HTML5 standard support for iPhone, iPad, Android and mobile browsers.

  7. podpress - one of the most popular WordPress plugins for podcasters. C It can help you not only locate podcasts on your blog, but also monitor the statistics of downloads on schedule.

  8. Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting is the plugin - the plugin is designed specifically for podcasters. Supports the following formats: mp3, m4a, ogg, wma , ra, mp4a, m4v, mp4v, mpg, asf, avi, wmv, flv, swf, mov, divx, 3gp, midi, wav, aa, pdf, torrent, m4b, m4r. The choice has several stylish audio players. Supports iTunes.

Plug-ins to speed up WordPress

Unfortunately, with each new version of WordPress is becoming more demanding on resources, creating an increased burden on the hosting. Of all the decisions I use a paid script caching Max , which will significantly reduce the load on the server.

  1. the WP the Super the Cache - a popular plug-in caching WordPress. This plugin generates static HTML files from dynamic pages of your blog that allows you to reduce the load on the server. You can include a full or partial caching.

  2. the Hyper the Cache - another example of the solutions to reduce the load on the WordPress hosting. As wrote the developer, he created this plug-in specifically for hosting with limited resources. There are three kinds of caching - complete, only the posts and only the main page and archives.

  3. the Quick the Cache - Cache is another plugin WordPress, which can reduce the load on the hosting. There are all the settings required for the job.

WordPress Plugins for RSS feeds

  1. RSS the Footer - a useful plugin that allows you to display a list of similar materials after fasting in the RSS feed, which ultimately gives you more conversions on your blog.

  2. the FD Feedburner the Plugin - a plugin to connect your blog RSS feeds to Feedburner service.

WordPress Plugins for the blog owner

  1. for Broken the Link Checker - this is a useful plug-in for the blog owner who allows you to find broken links, images, and redirects and displays information about it in the admin panel sends a notification e-mail.

  2. the All in the One: Webmaster - useful plugin for the blog owner that you can work with Google, Bing, Alexa, Yahoo, Facebook and BlogCatalog. There is a convenient option to add a sitemap in Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.

  3. the Simple Tags - a popular plug-in that allows you to conveniently work with the tags on your blog. There are all the features that you can think of to work with tags.

  4. Redirection - a very useful plugin that allows you to easily customize the redirect from the old pages to the new ones. It is only necessary to specify the address of the old and new pages, a redirect (eg, 301), and click OK. All created redirects can be viewed and changed, if necessary.


  1. the Article Directory - if you want to make a catalog of articles based on the WordPress blog, you can use this plugin from Dimoksa. It comes with a template that allows you to do a full directory of articles.

  2. the Visitor the Maps and the Who's Online - surely you've seen that on some blogs in the sidebar displays a small map of the world and it marks the spot where visitors have come to this blog. This plugin will allow you to become the ruler of the world to observe, from what countries come to your blog ๐Ÿ™‚.

  3. WPtouch - plug-in that is designed to transform your blog into an iPhone app. In order to see how it will look, you can see the screenshots . The author of this plug-in the next release plans to make iPad support.

Resources for WordPress plugin

Directory the Plugin - official website with WordPress plugins (English). The largest selection of plug-ins on the Internet.

Russified WordPress plugins - high quality Russian language resource plugins for WordPress. - another useful website with a good selection of plug-ins in Russian.

Plugins to - a useful blog will not only plug-ins, but also on WordPress in general from Alexander Todosiychuka. A lot of detailed and useful materials.

If you have any questions on WordPress, I recommend the forum , which always helped me advice.

I wish you a successful development of your websites!
