Various kinds of benefits of rambusa fruit

Best regards steemians
Maybe among us all, there are still some who do not know this fruit. Especially for people who in domiciled urban areas.
This fruit named rambusa which has a scientific name Passiflora Foedita one type of fruit that grows wild. Many people who have not known at all form even the efficacy of this fruit.

The rambusa tree grows by creeping in bushes and creeping on the surrounding tree, more often found in rice fields, gardens, beaches and sunlit places.
The fruit is small in bright yellow, and wrapped in a membrane in the form of hair like a net. The fruit is very fresh, with sweet and sour taste like the taste of passion fruit taste.
The rambusa fruit is small, but it contains many kinds of vitamin. Starting from vitamin C, iron, flavonoids, calcium, mineral, phytonutrient, and some other types of content.

If we consume continuously, can help meet the nutritional needs of your body so that your body becomes healthy. Rambusa fruit is not only a healthy source of food, it is also very good to help reduce various symptoms of the disease.
Really many benefits rambusa for health. to maintain bone health and maintain bone density so you can avoid the risk of osteoporosis.

flavonoids and potassium contained in this fruit, able to counteract the growth of cancer cells that can damage skin tissue, and also very good for controlling blood pressure to stay normal thanks to the content of fitronutrien contained in it, even able to help produce blood cells red to prevent anemia disease.
Calcium and iron content contained in it is also very good for maintaining healthy bones and gums.
Rambusa fruit has the content of compounds that can increase the hormone of pleasure, also can stabilize the central nerves so that the body and brain to relax.

Because it contains
vitamin C contained in rambusa fruit, is also able mengutrisi your mouth cavity, so it can be protected from various infections such as canker sores.
The fruit of rambusa has
sour and sweet taste, thus will not harm the digestive system and can help smooth digestion so as to avoid stomach disease or constipation. Hopefully what I have delivered on this occasion can be useful.
That is all and thank you

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