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A Single Seed: Don't Listen to Yourself

I've been reading a fantastic book this past week, one that is easily one of the most powerful I've ever picked up. Every page is packed with quotes that one could live a life by, and I've folded probably half the pages to come back to eventually (sorry Dad!). "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" is all about a rich lawyer who, realizing that all the money in the world wouldn't satisfy him, embarked on a spiritual journey to completely rebuild himself. My daily series may be including many more quotes from the book in this coming week, but one that really stuck out went as follows:

"The real problem was within me and my lack of beliefs that every being possesses."

A common way of thinking that we all fall victim to is the belief that we're not good/qualified enough to do something. That other people who are actually doing the thing possess some greater power or capability that we simply don't have, and that's just how the cookie crumbles. While it may be true that Lebron James can dunk a basketball & I cannot, our minds possess nearly the same capabilities and potential, whether it's been tapped or not.

Neuroplasticity is one of the most fascinating abilities of a human being. Put simply, it's the ability for our brains to change throughout our lives as we learn new functions, ways of thinking, and ideas. Neuroplasticity is the reason why people who lose one hand find their other hand getting stronger, as the brain rewires the old hand's nerves to the new hand. It's why we can learn languages, how to play instruments, and become better at sports. Our brain is constantly rewiring itself to adopt the new information it's been given, and this is a gift that we can reap until we're old and grey. The coolest part is, we all have this ability.

So then why don't we believe it?

Self-limiting beliefs have surely killed more dreams than have ever become realized. Even the most confident of people may not act on something because the mountain may seem too high to climb, and it's a demoralizing mental loop that can stagnate even the brightest of minds. What have you talked yourself out of lately, or told yourself you weren't qualified to do? What plans remain untouched, waiting for you to be more ready to take action?

Imagine a life where you actually went for the things you wanted to do, no matter how daunting they may have seemed when you started. Maybe you finally ask the girl out who always has a smile at the coffee shop. Maybe you start self-promoting your side hustle on Facebook, even if you're scared of how it may be received or if anyone will actually care. Maybe it's quitting cigarettes. There are so many things that we let "win" within our lives everyday; the lies we tell ourselves start to pile up and we talk ourselves out of it before ever taking action. We can't do this exercise, we're not qualified to write that book, and we sure as hell aren't ready to release the music recordings we've had on our computers for months.

Except we are. And you are. We all end up in the same place eventually. I'd say its worth it to find out what you're really capable of while you still can.

A Single Seed" is my attempt to get out one idea every day that I've learned or accumulated over the years, with the hope that it may stick in someone else's memory bank as well. The idea may be related to fitness, business, life, or philosophy, but I think you'll find that many can change domains if you wish them to. With each seed planted, a new life awaits.

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