spring smell is in the air:Behind The Photo contest - Edition #6

spring smell is in the air. now winter is near to end and summer is coming. start on every new weather here in my area new life take birth. flowers of different colors dance in spring. this dance make life more beautiful and spread unique confidence and smell of beauty to every where on earth. after two week here will be start of spring and in three week winter will be end. so in summer we have beautiful flowers. so it is my post about beautiful flowers. now i searched a lot but i could not find many flowers because of weather change.


there is blue flowers, i believe that blue is color of happiness. it is the color that work for satisfaction of soul. if blue did not work for soul then sky color could not be blue so blue is part of our life,soul,feeling and satisfaction. so love blue to wear and enjoy blue to make life beautiful. so spring is name of blue .



yellow is name of success. yellow is name of wedding. in my area people wear very much yellow color dresses in wedding , so its mean yellow is start of new life. yellow play very important role of life if any person use yellow color , he will be more confident than like other colors lover. i have read that yellow help to increase confidence level in life. so any person has no confidence so he/she should try to make life more strong then use yellow.



make smile to show that you are alive.
live with full joy that you have happy heart.
never try to bring sadness inside heart because heart is our line of life.
trust on your self because it is you , who has power to achieve any goal of life.
never things in sadness that happiness is not for you , always think this beautiful life is for you and you are owner of this life.





did we try to learn from flowers that how live short life with more successful.? yes i think if we wanna learn , how any one can get or make life successful then we need to learn from flowers life. so flowers message is that always try to live for other people, always try to spread smell, beauty in way of other people. if we will help other, then there will be many people , who will work for your success. so flowers spread beauty around the people and then die , so it is message of love, respect that always spread love among the people.









story behind of these photo is that spring is in the air and we need the peace of life,love,romance of life,but just never think for self , always try to spread happiness in community. hug those people who has no relations. make this earth beautiful as flowers are making this earth color full in short life. hope you all will like these words. if you like then do not forget to appreciate me, your appreciation will be my power thank.

colors of every flowers are giving a message to us , message of love,respect,help,peace and success. why are we angry with each others./ why are we thinking just for own bank? what is real life target? what is purpose of colors in our life? so each and every flowers is messaging that love life of other people, always for work for peace, this life is very beautiful so hug the beautiful life. it is the story story behind all these photos.thank you very much for reading my colorless thought.

My thanks to @appreciator for sponsoring this lovely @behindthephoto contest as well as the jurors: @nelyp and @johan.norberg visit this post for more information about the contest Behind The Photo contest - Edition #6

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