#beersaturday - Vacation Beers!

I have been in the woods a week tomorrow without real internet but can bring the blockchain with me anyhow. I can’t miss a #beersaturday though so I am going to give it a whirl one my phone!


Source: https://www.pinterest.pt/goldensaintbeer/ with a little Zeke design on top.

One of life’s sweetest rewards is beer and one of the best parts of camping is also beer! Friends coming from different towns with different local brews make for some awesome beverages at the beach or beside the fire.

Here are a couple from my current trip so strap on your drinkin' socks and LET'S DO THIS!


This is the answer I sent to anyone who sent me a text or DM the first day we were out. Plenty of greenery, camping gear in the background, and a Cooler-dented can you would expect from a Beerologist in the wilderness. I brought this one to the table because I am a big fan of Sawdust City Brewing, hadn’t had one in a while, and I am very much into hazy iPas these days.

45 ibu they said. A nice light butterfly on the label and an airy name like Everyday Magic. Man was I mislead. This one had a bouquet like an ipa reduction, a complex sweetness and a hoppy ass end the was as dry as a can full of pine cones!

It has been a while since I said “I like it but can’t have 2 in a row” and you read it here first. I will probably nab one every time I see it but almost regretting bringing 8 of them on this trip.


For the second week in a row, I am surprised to discover that a brewery I have known about was actually in Ottawa. This Broadhead Brewing Blueberry Blonde was brought by a friend who shares the quest of finding lighter, yet very flavourful summer beers. This is one of those.

It wasn’t overloaded with berries but had that slight tart/sweet tinge that made it a refreshing beer that happened to have blueberries in it.

I classify this as one of those I would buy and put in the fridge for wifepoints, but drink myself if it lingered too long.


Here we have Refined Fool Raspberry Wheat from a town closer to home called Sarnia. I have never called myself a fan and can’t recall a brew by them that I like but this may be because that don’t have a good ipa that made it to my face. I have a soft spot for raspberry wheat ales because of my fist few years living in the big city, rollerblading over to the pub, and enjoying a refreshing beer that ushered me away from the macro brews.

This one rings me back to those times with its reasonable berry quotient, and smooth drinkin friendliness. Again, another that it would not purchase for myself but not turn my nose up at when offered.


Which brings me to today, and the beer I enjoy while my thumbs get tired trying to reproduce my weekly greatness with thumbs on a cellular phone. This is one of my recent favourites and one I am purchasing every time I see it. I enjoy that it has reached shelves many hours from home and I habs w a chance of getting some in every small town I visit.


Galaxy and mosaic are my absolute favourite hop combination and el dorado seems to be a mainstay in the wave of hazy IPAs which are wonderfully popular currently. I am dangling participles now as my thumbs get tired and my battery runs dry so you will have to trust me am when I say I am really enjoying this one as I lounge on a deck and listen to the birds.

I have had hundreds of beers with my #BEERSATURDAY crew. It is week 163 already and the night is but an embreyo! https://esteem.app/beersaturday/@detlev/beersaturday-week-163 of the longest running beer-drinking club on any blockchain. Take some pictures, tell some pub tales, and become a Beerologist by posting your own suddsy story with @detlev and yours truly.



I am honoured to curate for:


A Pandemic cannot slow down the Blockchain Beerologist. How was your latest beer?

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