#BeerSaturday - Shorties and Citrus and Chick Drinks!

#BeerSaturday is at week 207 and I am jumping into the consumption AND distribution of refreshing beverages!.


Source: https://www.pinterest.pt/goldensaintbeer/ with a little Zeke design on top.

I became a beer blogger because of the years I have spent brewing for myself, the breweries I work with now on their technology and marketing, and the decades spent imbibing combine for the self-decreed title of the #Blockchain #Beerologist.

This week, I am share a shorty, discover a new mysterious brew, and am called into action.


Shorty of the Week


Taking a break from the Pint of the Week, I am back with the Shorty of the Week. As long time readers know, I like to keep a couple short cans in the fridge for those instances when a full pint is just a few sips too much. Also, some of the best local playground brews are canned in the 355ml format so it is a nice new beer to enjoy.

The shorty this week brings us back to grunge in the 90s with Even Flow NEIPA https://black-swan-brewing.myshopify.com/collections/frontpage/products/even-flow-neipa from Black Swan Brewing just down the road. They had me at triple hops and NEIPA with a relatively low 28 IBU which hinted at a sweet and friendly brew. Apricots are a bullshit fruit but represented themselves very well in this tasty, fruity and refreshing shorty.


More Tropical Ammo


Up first, we have a brew all the way from Heavy Seas Beer https://www.hsbeer.com/ all the way from Maryland. Looking at the bottom of the can, the 'product of Canada' is a little contradictory as is the origin of this beer above the border. It appears that the Craft Brand Company https://craftbrandco.com/bodega/ (also responsible for the awesome Omni Pollo beer in Canada) is responsible for the Canadian brewing and distribution!

Either way, the new design caught my eye as on I had not yet tasted and a Citrus IPA is one I just might like!


Tropicannon Citrus IPA https://craftbrandco.com/product/heavy-seas-tropicannon/ bucks the trend with a filtered and clear beer despite thick and juicy citrus taste. The hops are Simcoe and Citra for a good balance of dry/bitter and sweet/citrus. This is a damn good beer and I am really going to have to purchase it again in order to give it thorough judgement. I am hoping it is available permanently as that brewery does a great job and a big fat citrus IPA is definitely up my alley.


That's Not a BEER!


I have to cut this one short as I am helping the grandest restaurant in town with their post lockdown launch! I was lured into stepping behind the bar as the craft beer specialist and distributor only to find they had grander plans for me. Pouring wine is one of them and so is creating some unique cocktails!

This one is a red wine mojito with plenty of cab sauv and local berries. There are also some neat ones like a Thai Collins and a sorbet float that are flying from the bar on a sunny patio after a lockdown.

Who says you can't teach an old beerologist new tricks? I will snap some pics to share today.




Thanks again for this wonderful #hive #beer gift by @spirall on Twitter! Hop in on the marketing push with us and invite the world of beer bloggers to join us on Hive.

Can you believe we have survived to #beersaturday week 207 @detlev/two-o-seven-week-of-beersaturday ? Make sure you pop by https://friends.beersaturday.com/ and drop a beer in the box to have a shot at being the Beer King and create your very own beer blog so you can be drinking with the cool kids from across the globe.

I invite a friend to the party every week and this week I invite my homesteading mentor @farm-mom who gives such soothing advice and stories from her family home in rural paradise!

Cheers to our global family of beer-drinkers!!



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I am honoured to curate for:


Any good shorties available in your neck of the woods?!

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