#BeerSaturday - Sessions with Shumei


355 weeks of day drinkin, rewarding fun and assorted hangovers. It doesn't get better than this.

Being The Blockchain Beerologist definitely has its perks, including but not limited to getting paid to tour breweries and sample new beers! When I am not globetrotting or brewing my own beer, my fridge looks like a colorful mosaic of regional craft beer I enjoy sharing with the #beersaturday alliance of #beer bloggers on #hive.

This week, I am revisiting a brewery I have enjoyed for decades, and giving a newer one the recognition it deserves.


Pint of the Week


I have been getting creative with the PotW lately as I haven't been purchasing shorties for the fridge, and not out on the town enjoying beer too much as of late. Fear not is it becoming Patio Season here soon and I will have so many to share.

We ARE brewing however and I will have another chapter in that story. This tasty little beer that is presently fermenting is a New England IPA with plenty of Mosaic, Galaxy and Citra hops, and should weigh in at over the 7% ABV when it is done! Stay tuned the next couple weeks to see how this turns out!




Back in the day, we walked 10 miles both uphill both ways to school and there was nothing but Molson, Labbatts and other national breweries to select from. Then, along came a microbrewery called Creemore Springs Brewery and I was rescued from boring beer our dads drank! HUZZAH! If you fast forward to today, this part of the story is not fantastic as Molson now owns and operates Creemore but they played a part in my #beerology journey nonetheless.

We would enjoy Creemore Lager in brown 500ml bottles which were great for drinking and becoming beer hipsters before that was even a thing. These days, I am not particular to them because of the ownership corporation, and the fact I am hopelessly passionate about IPAs for their flavour explosion and ability to ruin your palate for regular beer. That being said, I had to grab this one because it sported that magical acronym I love so much.


While I do like a good session IPA from time to time, especially in the summer season, I might have just passed Creemore Session IPA by for so many others available. For nostalgia sake, and acknowledging the fact that people from outside of Canada may not know about this beer, here it is. I did it for you.

As far as a lighter IPA goes, not even considering how little I like spending money on Molson products, this was a nice beer! A modest 5.1% ABV and the characteristically copper hue, this was a nice friendly beer that I would prefer over the classic favourite lager. Not really as tropical or complex on the hop flavour profile as they advertise but not bad and steeped in formative memories. Maybe not unlike a visit with an ex-girlfriend from a couple decades ago?




Another brewery I have enjoyed over the years, but not near enough, is Blood Brothers Brewing from the big city. This label jumped out at me as both familiar and new so I just had to grab it again as it proudly proclaimed the words India Pale Ale.

Looking into their physical location, they seem to have a pretty cool taproom and bottle shop! It is also located on the same street where we rented a music studio for a decade with our bands back in the day. Oh the time we would have spent here if it had been around then.


Shumei India Pale Ale is apparently their flagship IPA which is very encouraging as I love a good IPA that is available year round. With any luck, I will see it again and consider it for my top 10 as it is sorely in need of a refresher.

As for the beer itself, it is a neat combination of West Coast IPA (typically more bold and bitter) and an East Coast IPA (typically hazier, sweeter and fruitier) with the hops used. I guess that would make it an American IPA which is quite a wide category but the Citra and Mosaic hops make it right up my alley. Love the haze that comes with wheat in the bill too when done right.


This beer is just too Zeke not to give it the seal of approval. I will try this again and will include it in my intense evaluation of regional craft IPAs vying for my covered Top 10! Welcome to the machine Shumei!




I have this issue too and a #beer is a good solution. Join me, @detlev , and the other beerologists because there is always room for more beer bloggers at this week's Beer Saturday gathering... @detlev/beersaturday-355

This week for #BeerSaturday, I am inviting @kushyzee who has a beverages post this weekend which might be good for #beersaturday! Take a few pictures, tag #beersaturday and raise a glass with us on Hive!

Cheers to our global family of beer-drinkers!!




Would you go for Session or American first?

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