My first entry for BeerSaturday #59 Edelweiss Weiβbier


My first time entering Beersaturday

Although my girlfriend has told me a lot of weeks to enter this contest, as she knows that I'm not that much of a writer, but love beer. So this must be a win-win situation for me. I can post a few pictures and talk about the beer, enter the contest et voila, it's done. Next round I will be entering with a beer payed by the contest (only if I win something of course). But let's stay positive!


Edelweiss Weiβbier

I usually buy Hungarian beer when I drink a beer, or when I go to a cafe to have a drink, but this time I decided to buy Edelweiss Weiβbier for a chance because I like white beer every once in a while. Hungarian beer is nice, don't get me wrong but sometimes I like a different kind of beer. Let's have a look at the labels.



Nothing fancy

As you can see the beer isn't fancy in any way, just a normal beer with no fancy labels. But it's the taste of the beer that's important right? So let's see what I think of this one.


Not the right glass

I know, I know it's not a beer glass.. Let me explain why a beer lover would not have even one beer glass. It's easy to explain. We moved from Spain to Hungary in September, but only found our own apartment at the end of January. We had to buy so many things that we absolutely only bought the basics for our kitchen cabinets. And actually it stayed that way since then. So whenever I drink a beer, it's not from a beer glass. Excuse me!

The taste

I like this beer, the taste is nice, although I can think of other white beers that I like more. This is one is cheap and it tastes fine, but probably next time you will see an entry with a Hungarian beer brand as there are plenty of them here in Budapest :)

So here was my first entry to the BeerSaturday Contest hosted by @detlev ! Hopefully until next week!


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