Snowy trainrides with beers and friends

Ahhhhhh, finally it is time to be back into the #beersaturday competition with some stories. It's not like I haven't been having beers, but...... Crap it actually is the fact that I haven't been enjoying some beers, when I look at it honestly. Hmmmm, what happened?

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It was time for some action, as you were able to see in once of my posts about going to Zermatt . Now the fact is, is that the distance from Lucerne to Zermatt by train is about 3.5 hours, so you might as well take something with you to enjoy your time. My friend @dersjoerd who has an account by has never posted (I know you read this dude :D) is a master in surviving train rides. He always has sufficient snacks and even decent glasses with him while training.

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One the the drinks we joined was a Porter from the 'Uiltje brewery' in Holland. They have fantastic beers in stock in combination with awesome artwork as you can see. I am looking forward to getting these rascals a lot more easy once I live in Holland again. And if you look carefully on the glass, you can see the letters 'bier and big' in gold on there. Big and Big (beer and pig) is an awesome festival made around beer stuff in the centre of Eindhoven. Also looking forward to spending some time there upcoming year

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Back to the trainride because this was already an adventure on itself again. Passing the nature reservation Entlebuch on the way to Bern, the Thunersee and then finally going uphill after transferring in Visp, then is when the landscape is all of a sudden totally different. Lush green hills had changed into supersteep Alps filled with packs of snow and I was glad we were able to leave earlier to still see this part of the journey in daylight. I would not have wanted to miss this!

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Now going up an elevation of around 1000 meters in about 20 kilometers isn't that easy on a train. They need some extra support and that is done by these extra suspension rails. Also for going down you really need these to slow the train down before it all gets out of hand ;)

But us kids from the lowlands aren't used to all of this technique and that is why trainrides like these are so cool. A bit of learning about technique, a good drink with some decent talks, and awesome views along the side

Who ever said travelling has to be boring?

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