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It's Beer Saturday 171: Thursday Night Football Edition

Well this is different. I've traditionally done my Beer Saturday contest posts on Saturday if at all possible.

But i'm sitting here with some free time and thought I better get my post done early...

It's Also Gameday and the Browns Host the Bungles

So I spend most of my day sitting around waiting for the game and wondering if it is too early to start drinking beer.

The Browns got their asses kicked on Sunday.

Yet another reason to have a beer.
Honestly, I don't want to drink in shame for another bad Browns team. I want to drink celebratory beers dammit.

This Guy Better Step it Up Tonight!

C'mon Baker.

The beer in this photo was consumed on Sunday. The day the browns got killed by those dirty ratbirds from Baltimore.

It's a good double IPA. Not too bitter. Good hop flavor. Sierra Nevada seems more like a commercial brewery than a craft brewery to me but they have a great motto.

It's also a good parallel for Hive

We all should endeavor to act this way with our blockchain.


Have a great rest of the week.