Grand Lager

I drink a lot of fancy beer with crazy flavor combinations. Sometimes you have to go back to the simpler beers. That was the goal with the Grand Lager by Brewery Vivant.

This is a crisp all malt lager. Think your traditional beer that’s clean, crisp and light.

It’s a beautiful lager. It’s crystal clear with a light yellow to almost amber color. It is slightly darker than a Bud Light or Miller.

The aroma is also more complex than these macro beers. It smells like beer with slightly bitter notes, heavy bread and malt characteristics. Being a lager it’s got a fair amount of carbonation which helps create an aromatic bouquet.


The flavor is artistically simple. Light hop and malt notes throughout the drinking experience. There’s a slight sweetness, but that’s about it. This is something that you could chug. I’m going to keep comparing it to macro beers. It’s a better locally sourced version of those.


The mouthfeel it light, bubbly and refreshing. I’m a fan of a lager on hot day. With a lower 4.5% ABV it’s more refreshing that drunk inducing. This kind of beer has its place. I’m not going say it’s better than a more complex beer because I like beers packed with flavor. However this beer has its time and place.


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