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BirdWalker Blond

Well I’m trying to keep up posting, but the fact that I started a new job has caused me to be exhausted and mentally tired by the eod of the day. So I have not posted in a few days which feels very odd, but that’s why.

With that I am deciding to crack open a beer a sit down for a review.

BirdWalker is a Belgian style ale that’s appearance is slightly cloudy with a medium golden yellow color. There’s about 1-2 fingers of fairly dense, fluffy and off white head with great retention. That head reduces to a nice cap that lasts and leaves a thick foamy lacing that clings on the glass.

I love the aroma it has notes of big lemon, orange, peach, pear, apricot and banana. You get those classic Belgian notes of bubblegum, clove, coriander, peppercorn and lightly toasted biscuit. Even though there are some many aromas it’s well balanced and has a nice complexity of that fruity/spicy yeast, pale/wheat malts, and earthy hop notes that play well each other.

The taste mirrors the aroma with bright lemon, orange and various fruits ranging from sweet peach to banana. I get deeper more complex Belgian notes of bubblegum, earthy clove, spicy coriander, peppercorn, and lightly toasted biscuit. Then I’d get the classics from the ale with that herbal, floral,earthy wood yeast notes that round out the flavor profile. It’s more ale than Belgian at first taste, but finishes stronger in the spicy pepper, dark fruit and malty bread spectrum.

The finish is clean and crisp. It’s got a nice creamy bit balanced mouthfeel that makes for a pleasant drinking experience. There’s Zero warming alcohol as expected at 5.2%.

Overall it’s a easy drinking beer that’s perfect for an after work treat.