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Ah it feels good to sit down in a restaurant!


They are finally allowing sit down restaurants to open up in Eugene! Thank god! Now if I can just get my gym to open back up so I can work out, shower, and more importantly get my hydro massage, I will be a happy man.

Anyway today is the first day that I am not under the thumb of a corporation and man it feels good! Doing some Grubhub driving today and then the next week I am taking a vacation week and transitioning into my new life of self employment. Need some decompression time. Monday (Memorial day in the US) is my birthday so I am giving myself the gift of freedom and relaxation.

Anyway, just sitting here drinking a beer and waiting on my food and then back to the grind. Tomorrow I will be working on the Hivelist Token white paper!

Anyway, be cool, be real and abide!