I have waited 7 years to finally have Black Label beer again.


I moved to Korea in 2015 and the first thing I noticed here was that their beer just didn't taste the way it did back in South Africa. I could still buy some imported beer, but non from South Africa. Now if you are a South African you know the beer in the picture. Some love it, some not so much. It is seen as one of the cheaper brands, but nonetheless, it is the beer that pretty much everyone enjoys when you have had a long day and need a nice cold one after work. While some may argue that most beers taste the same, this beer has a very distinct taste that I have missed way too much. I was lucky enough to have my friend bring me 3 cans on his way to Korea. Perhaps I might have built it up too much in my head but I can't wait to try it again after so many years. With only 3 cans I need to really wait for a special moment to try these. I know there is one I will save for summer, just because after a long summer's day the best thing is coming home and enjoying a Black Label.

It might only have been 7 years, but this is what it felt like. =P


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