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Caleya "Breaking de law" (Esp/Eng) Para #beersaturday

Para #beersaturday.
No podía pasar por Asturias sin mostraros alguna referencia Craft Beer de la que para mí es la mejor cervecera de esta región: Caleya.
Son muchos los años que estos chicos de Langreo llevan haciendo una cerveza excelente, sin olvidar los clásicos pero también con guiños a las IPA más modernas. Con una relación calidad precio inmejorable, se agradece poder beber buena cerveza artesana sin desembolsar una gran cantidad de dinero por ello.

Cerveza: Breaking de Law
Cervecera: Caleya
Estilo: Imperial IPA
Alcohol: 7.6º
Lúpulos: Mosaic T-90, Sabro T-90 y Cryo Loral
Formato: lata de 440 ml

La cerveza es algo turbia y tiene un precioso color anaranjado. Su aroma es muy frutal y con lavadura apareciendo de fondo. Su sabor es realmente afrutado, con las frutas de hueso haciendo estragos en tu garganta. Destaca por encima de todo el gran sabor a melocotón.

Como he dicho en otros post de cerveza, no soy muy fan del Lúpulo Sabro, el cual es muy potente y suele enmascarar el sabor de sus acompañantes. En esta ocasión, el sabor a coco que lo caracteriza es muy sutil y está bien integrado en la cerveza.

I couldn't go through Asturias without showing you some Craft Beer reference of what for me is the best brewery in this region: Caleya.
These guys from Langreo have been making excellent beer for many years, not forgetting the classics but also with nods to the most modern IPAs. With an unbeatable value for money, it is appreciated to be able to drink good craft beer without spending a large amount of money for it.

Beer: Law's Breaking
Brewery: Caleya
Style: Imperial IPA
Alcohol: 7.6º
Hops: Mosaic T-90, Sabro T-90 and Cryo Loral
Format: 440 ml can

The beer is somewhat cloudy and has a beautiful orange color. Its aroma is very fruity and with laundry appearing in the background. Its flavor is really fruity, with the stone fruits playing havoc with your throat. The great peach flavor stands out above all else.

As I have said in other beer posts, I am not a big fan of Sabro Hops, which is very powerful and tends to mask the flavor of its companions. On this occasion, the coconut flavor that characterizes it is very subtle and well integrated into the beer.I couldn't go through Asturias without showing you some Craft Beer reference of what for me is the best brewery in this region: Caleya.
These guys from Langreo have been making excellent beer for many years, not forgetting the classics but also with nods to the most modern IPAs. With an unbeatable value for money, it is appreciated to be able to drink good craft beer without spending a large amount of money for it.

Beer: Law's Breaking
Brewery: Caleya
Style: Imperial IPA
Alcohol: 7.6º
Hops: Mosaic T-90, Sabro T-90 and Cryo Loral
Format: 440 ml can

The beer is somewhat cloudy and has a beautiful orange color. Its aroma is very fruity and with laundry appearing in the background. Its flavor is really fruity, with the stone fruits playing havoc with your throat. The great peach flavor stands out above all else.

As I have said in other beer posts, I am not a big fan of Sabro Hops, which is very powerful and tends to mask the flavor of its companions. On this occasion, the coconut flavor that characterizes it is very subtle and well integrated into the beer.