Becoming Better #5

Time to face setbacks.

I skipped out on both learning Japanese & offing tech an hour before bed yesterday. As for today, I did both of them.

I learned today that it's so important to have a singular goal.

Even if it means rejecting others' offers and advices, leaving them d i s a p p o i n t e d.

Gary Vee was right.

Oh the liberation you feel when you do that. It's like a bungee jump; initially you're scared, but then you're glad you did it. And now you wanna do it more purposefully. Yeah the analogy broke there.

Otherwise your mind gets all messed up. This is one reason why I've restarted so many times: I'd start simple, then too many things gradually take up my attention & "interest" (I probably was interested in the short-term gain like earning money, instead of being interested in the subject) and finally, I'd throw my hands up and mentally shout "screw this shit, I quit."

Not this time. This time it's Japanese all the way through.

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