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Out And About😎😎

Well it was Me and the Wifes 3 year anniversary of being married, so we went out for a nice little drive, we went and ended up in the little town of Brigden, it was pretty small, only about 500 people, it seemed like a neat town. There was a park with a great train.

The downtown was nice, most of the places were closed when we arrived though, ahh

Before we left we got some gas, the gas station had a beer store and a LCBO, don't worry we didn't buy any booze because I was driving. We ended up taking a road called Waterworks, I was kind of lost for a while. Then we ended up in the town of Petrolia, so I wasn't lost anymore!! I wanted to go to the downtown, but the wife was like no no no, she said everything thing will be closed.

So we went back to the city of Sarnia, bought her some chicken and we went back to our room.
After that I went out alone and went down to the street that we are hoping to move to. It would be awesome to finally have an apartment with a lot more room, somewhere where she would be able to cook, so we could save money not eating out anymore. There is a few restaurants there, so every once and a while we could have a treat.

There is a restaurant called Tangs China House, before we arrived in Sarnia months ago I was always seeing photos of this restaurant and never knew where it was until a couple of days ago when we had the viewing of the apartment. It seems like a neat restaurant, I haven't had Chinese food in a long time.

There is also a restaurant called Alfredo, the lasagna looks amazing there. We are for sure going to have to go to that place!

After that I took a great walk at Children's Animal Farm, I saw all the animals there, I thought that these animals were little bunnies, but all the kids there were saying that there were guinea pigs, I think they might be right, haha

Now I am maxing and relaxing at the Starbucks, drinking some coffee

And I am listening to the audiobook "Psycho Cybernetics" once again, what an awesome book. One of the best football coaches Vince Lombardi was heavily influenced by this book and same with his Team he was coaching The Green Bay Packers, you should check out the book for yourself sometime soon!!

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@ace108 and
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