Mall Time

Well it looks like the spring weather is back again, so I guess I should take my wife to the mall and enjoy the day.
As we drove to the mall in our beat-up car, the engine made wacky noises that sounded like the trumpets of the apocalypse, you know like from the bible!. My wife looked at me with concern, but I just laughed it off, trying to ignore the crazy and grinding sounds.
The car rattled and shook as we made our way through the busy streets.
Finally we made it to the mall, as we pulled into the parking lot, the noise reached a deafening crescendo, drowning out all other sounds. People turned to stare as we passed by, the cacophony of the car drawing attention to us like a magnet.
And I turned to the wife and said we may have to take this car to a mechanic, but for know lets have some fun and go to the mall.
So in we went, the Easter Bunny was there to greet us hello and he blew us kisses, the wife was pretty sure that the kisses we directed towards her,, but I think it was directed towards me, hahah

We noticed a new place is opening soon called Stuffy Riders, we saw this place in a mall in Stony Creek, where kids were driving around stuff animals in the mall, it seemed like a strange place

Right near were stuffy riders was is the bitcoin atm, so I bought some, still gottta get a little more before the bull run.
After that we went to Toys R Us to look at toys, I was so tempted to get these NBA Ballers for like sixteen bucks, but the wife was like, come on Shaun, resist temptations, I let you buy some crypto.
So I didn't get one, ahhh![]

After that I went to Cineplex Odeon, I was hoping to score some free ghostBusters posters, but I didn't see any, but I did see some plushies there, and they were $14.99, so I didn't buy it

As we were finishing our walk through the mall I realized something was missing, they took a way all the Canned food Art they had set up in the mall, I took photos of it the last time I went through the mall but got too busy to post it

We had a great time out and we made it home safely, tomorrow I will have to get the car checked out!

#beautifulsunday is led by
@ace108 and
#sublimesunday is led by @c0ff33a

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