
Today, I will write about an unforgettable memory and moments of our travel with my super close friend. It was 5yrs ago, 2017 when I and my friend planned a trip to El Nido Palawan. We booked a plane ticket, our El Nido tour package, and our stay hotel, 6 months in advance before the scheduled date, and to make sure that we will enjoy the trip to the fullest, we filed a whole total week of vacation leave to our respective companies. I and my friend are super excited about this Gateway vacation because El Nido Palawan is one of our dream destinations.

And here you go!! One more night before our most awaited travel. I can really feel how excited she was about this trip. Since she keep reminding me that we need to go early to the airport to avoid being late and worst case being left by the plane. I can also remember our flight time was 10 am in the morning. I woke up at 5 am and she woke up at 3. I Receive a lot of messages from her to double-check the things that I will bring for this trip and also messages asking if I'm already awake. After reading her message, I just replied, "chill you don't need to feel nervous, our flight is still at 10 am, We still have 5hrs to travel to the airport and it will only take 1hr to 1hr and 30mins to get there" and after getting a reply from me she felt relief thinking that there will be no problem waiting for our trip. 😁

And here is the start of the disaster (hahahaha) after I packed my things and everything is ready for out trip. I just check the time and there still a few hours left before our boarding time and started thinking that going early to airport will just bored me. So I decided to play just 1 game of Dota 2


and thinking that this will only take 30min to end the game. things didn't happened as what I expected. I enjoy the game and also it took 2hr before I able to finish the that 1 game in dota 2 and lastly I forgot my phone on our living room and for that reason i was not able to notice that she already keep calling and sending a lot of message asking if I already on my way to the airport. I started to feel nervous already since it's already 8am in the morning when I left my house to go to the airport.

And the next disaster came up. I forgot that our travel day is Monday and here in Cebu weekdays are the most traffic days ever. I arrived at the airport at 9:45 am. We never had a chance to talk to each other. We rushed right away to the boarding section. And was informed that we can no longer get in to the plane since we missed out the boarding time. we really plead that time to the attendant since there still 10min left before the plane take off. However the attendant explain that the bus that will take us to the plane already left and it will take 15min before it can go back to the station where it get it's passenger. dammm after both of us hearing those words and there is no way that we can board the plane to go to El Nido on that day and it's the only trip that available that time the next trip will take two more days before we can go to El Nido. That time I really felt a really scary aura behind me (hahahaha) and that is the time interrogation happen. And the first question is "Why I'm late?" she knew that I woke up early that time and she also why I'm not answering my phone?. I know in myself if I tell her the truth that I still played dota 2 that time I will be 100% dead. So I just told her that I fell asleep and woke up late. she is actually arrived at the airport 7am that time. after explaining myself to her she just stared at me. dammm I can still remember that killing aura and that is the first time that I feel scared to a woman (hahahaha). But when tears started falling from her eyes I felt awful to myself and I just suggest that we just go to different places like going somewhere in Cebu however she didn't want to, What she really want is to go to El Nido. We just sat down for a bit and start thinking what we are going to do. I really felt super bad that time since it's my fault that we were not able to board the plane for our EL Nido trip and honestly I really don't know what to do and start to think very deeply that time and feel like I'm solving an Egyptian puzzle maze and something really came up, I suddenly remember that aside El Nido she also want to go to "Boracay". So I suggest right away with a smiley face "How about we just go to Boracay?" And thanks' God even though she really still angry. She still agree to go to Boracay. _

And here we go!!!. We go to the ticketing booth right away to buy a plane ticket for Boracay and luckily there is a plane trip on that day that will go to Boracay.


wuhoooo!! I started to feel relief since this will lessen her anger feeling towards me. When I think that everything is okay a big problem came up when we ask how much the ticket for Boracay that day it cost P4000php (68.03 usd) and the plane ticket for going back to Cebu cost P3500 (59.52 usd) and my pocket money that time was only P5000 (85.03 usd) and I was like "how I'm going to explain to her that I can't go with her to Boracay since I'm out of budget" but I took the courage to tell her and be honest that time that I only have P5000php on my pocket I can only afford one way ticket and her only response is "buy the ticket for Boracay" and since I'm very afraid with her that time I just buy the one way ticket going to Boracay and now I only have P1000 (17.01 usd) left on my pocket to spend for our 1 week vacation in Boracay.


Picture of myself thinking on how to survive in Boracay for 1week with 1k pocket money.


It took me three days before we have a normal conversation again.
And thanks to Parasailing that we did which makes her very happy seeing me almost dying and also the unending beauty of Boracay. Below our some of the shots that I took that time showing the beauty of Boracay.

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And that's it for one of my unforgettable event of my life.

Lesson Learned - Don't make the woman really disappointed it will make you really sweat a lot. hahahaha

shout out again to ms. @patsitivity for introducing me this wonderful platform _

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