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VOP 2.0: When The Wicked Rule

It is easy to understand motivations if you look with clear eyes into a dynamic. Nowhere is this clearer than the propaganda that many elected officials feed to their flocks regarding the dialogue on the border. They would turn the talking point continuously on the poor migrants fleeing poverty and oppression. Quick to hurl accusations of racism and Nazi affiliations if one begins asking about the heavily documented rapes and slavery that is taking place daily.

Please understand, this is not a partisan issue. Both sides take their script from the same evil overlords who setup and profit from this evil business. This is why a central authority can't be the answer. A voluntary cooperation is the only way to prevent there being masters and slaves that allow for such atrocities as these to occur. Even the concept of religion is rooted in the idea of voluntary choices being the determinant factor of righteousness. And it will be the only way we put a stop to this. Those at the top want this, so the burden of stopping it rests on those willing to voluntarily act against it.

Proverbs 29:2 “ When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”

It is indeed a time of mourning as the wicked weave their spells of deception to hide the schemes against those entrusted within their care. Schemes of profit whose foundation lies in the pain and terror of those they would traffic in. It is time to cut through the illusions of their talking points. On a link I will share shortly, Lewis confronts a small group of protestors outside a Build The Wall conference. A group consisting mostly from the group I have mentioned before, Humane Borders. They being the group I linked the contract they were given by Pima County officials to set up food and water stations for the traffickers.

They carried signs that said things like no more hate, no wall. They refused to hold a dialogue with him, refusing to discuss the bags of camo clothing, panties from rape trees and instead sang at him like children. Of all of them, there was only one man who despite his initial refusal of facts was smart enough to understand how idiotic his stance was and finally agreed to look at evidence at another time. The point Lewis made concerning their signs is the point to cut through their talking points.
What about the women and children being raped? Refusing to even acknowledge this epidemic by those bantering stop the hate means they condone the rapes and slavery as an acceptable price to pay so others can come here. Personally, I don’t understand how the evil of such a compromise can be held. I doubt many would openly admit such is an acceptable price. It is just such a dialogue that we need to FORCE others to have. They can’t be allowed to continue to show just the rosy side of the picture. And by their insistence on doing so, they (the politicians and corporations) reveal that they have a need for this not to be part of the dialogue.

A need, as they CAN’T have that wall as it would cut into their wicked schemes that THEY are profiting from. More proof of their intentions. Where is there a wall and where is there not a wall? In areas of vast desert on the Mexican side of the border, there are fences. In the 90 mile strip of Mexican highway 2 that runs but a moment’s walk from the border, no wall. Anyone capable of reason would understand why there has been no wall built in the areas where trucks can pull over, unload their cargo (drugs and women and children) and a moment later walk across the border. Here is a picture from a video I am about to share from VOP (they have a library of videos that will dispel any doubt what is going on). Where the border is green, there is a wall. Where it is red, there is no wall. It is no coincidence that the wall stops where their highway begins running alongside it.

highway 2.jpg

Schools On Lockdown As Border Patrol Chases Bad Guys

It came as a surprise to me a couple weeks ago to see that the Altar Valley school district was placed on lockdown to attempt protecting the children as Border Patrol chased after some bad guys. Evidently this too is an acceptable price we must pay for the ones coming here for a better life. I searched for any news I could on this and the media decided it was not worthy of being aired as news. Faced with the touch decision on whether to air what Prince Harry thought of the new dress his wife was wearing or our children in danger from those who view life as something to use and own, it was a no brainer they needed to go with the Prince Harry story.

As promised earlier in this post, here is a link to the video of Lewis and some of his ministry confronting those who believe there is no price that shouldn’t be paid to keep this evil flowing. Remember, many of those in the group are being awarded a contract to aid in facilitating the horrors befalling those being trafficked. Never mind that aid places our children at risk. With their parents tax dollars, no less. There is just to much of this for it to be an accident. Pima County is run by wicked people, who are paid off by wicked people who deal in the misery of families and their children.

If you are willing to act in Arizona, contact or for Volunteering opportunities.

To follow the VOP mission, you can follow them on:
A Must read…the horrifying story from the head of the VOP ministry himself, Lewis Arthur.

It is frightening to understand that those you were programmed to believe have your best interests at heart believe you are a commodity to be bought and sold. Frightening enough that it is far easier to grab ahold of the CIA created dismissal title of “conspiracy theorist” and keep swallowing those blue pills. There is no shame in fear. Fear is a natural reaction. The shame comes if one allows it to paralyze them, to allow immoral actions take place. These actions are taking place in our backyards. Funded with OUR money. Taking place in all the names of those who allow themselves to be frightened of looking deeper and saying no, I don’t want this being done. Willful ignorance is an endorsement.

Make no mistake; your kids are no safer. To read how they use CPS to target our kids, take a look at this article from 2015 I believe.

Things have gotten worse since then, not better. Wake up please, and join the movement this ministry has started. Imagine the cries of those little children in the dark of night in that desert as groups of evil men take turns using them for their perverted gratification. It’s bad enough that these men are stealing their vitality and dreams. Will it be compounded by your apathy and indifference? Please, wake up. So many are quick to feign belief in a higher power and seek favor and enlightenment, yet not so many are willing to give the best they have of these same attributes to others. PLEASE, the entire message of God regardless of your religion is to walk in righteousness.

If you believe in God, stop waiting for Him or another to do everything. You are the agent of what is good. No prophet came to do all the work. They came to give a swift kick in the ass to all those with ears to listen to make us understand the burden is on all of us. Quit looking to Jesus (if you are Christian) as a get out of consequences free card.

True belief is shown by the choices we make, even evil beliefs as I mentioned early on in this article. Let’s push back until these kids have a chance to at least choose who and what they want for themselves and those they will encounter. They are defenseless. They are innocent.

Protect them as you would seek protection for you and yours. Ignoring this won’t make it stop; just allow it to spread like a cancer in the host. God is ready to act. Lewis proves daily that through faith miracles await us. Want a personal relationship with God? Here is your chance, if you will put aside your pride and be willing to walk through the fear, giving your trust as you walk into what is right. Those children’s tears cry for you to trust, to save them from the horrors awaiting them.