Back to a working community (steemit)

Just got a link from a friend this morning, lo and behold when I opened it at first there was this feeling of guilt deep down, guilt of neglecting a platform that once provided cash for me when I needed it so badly. And I have decided to continue from where I stopped on this great and wonderful platform that have provided daily bread for thousands.


We all know how things has been really hard for those involved in crypto dealings and all. I understand that things cannot be always rosy, more reason why I said I felt guilty after reading the blog earlier today. I read other articles too saying the bear period is the best time to get tokens and hodl till the bull comes.

On this note I have decide to resume activities on steemit, even though where I work gives little or not time for myself. I will also fine time to create contents and follow all the trending gists on steemit.

All thanks to @infovore for this wonderful opportunity to draw steemians back to were we started

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