DailyMail Headlines Compared to BabylonBee Months Ago

This is what recently ran in the DailyMail.com as news of the new COVID-19 omicron variant became a hot topic and fear among grid throughout the media and by some experts promoting that fear.





And this is what the BabylonBee site, a satirical mockery of news, made fun of back in July:



It's almost the same thing. In the official news you have talks of experts saying this or that, which is the equivalent of the BabylonBee saying scientists warn. Then they talk about how horrific it is and mutations that there's 32 mutation, it's the most evolved, that these experts say it could be worse than Delta.

The most hilarious part is in the second one with the "new super mutant"headline. That is hilarious.

And when you look at the BabylonBee headline we see so many parallels, as if they predicted it exactly how the exaggerated media would type up a new strain eventually as some deadly super mutant COVID variant.

Obviously, BabylonBee was exaggerating and being hyperbolic about the sentiment, but that is exactly the impression you get when you read these ridiculous articles or hear the talking heads in the news talk about the spurious allegations of a virus that are even proven and I just magical inventions of dire doom. Just like the Imperial College did at the onset in 2020. It is made a bunch of shit up and scared everyone should listen to obeying draconian dictates from the government.

They literally said a new super mutant strain, which is pretty much identical to what the satirical headline was saying about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles variant.

Oh yeah, I forgot to show you the picture of the super cut laser cannon variant:


There you have it. Satire predicting what the authoritative news will be telling you months ahead of time.

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