Infantile Baby Boomers: The Fatherless Generation that Ruined the West


German author Raymond Unger analyzed the German psyche in his book Der Wiedergutmacher (“The Reparator”). He concludes that the fatherless post-war generation, led by women, never grew up. Their psyches never properly developed. Emotionally infantilized, this baby-boomer generation also never rooted itself in its own culture. The hatred for its own people and fatherland then stems from this emotional alienation.

“Besides other transgenerational traumata, the failing male role model has such drastic implications because the fathers build the bridge to the world of grown-ups. [Without fathers, no grown-up people.] Furthermore, the army as a place of initiation, where young men cut themselves loose from the bond with their mother, was lost.”

Unger further explains that the loss of male emancipation (away from their mothers) has led to a nation of unmanly men worshipping ‘Mutti Merkel’, the childless mother who has come to dominate Germany — “a regressive, collective projection beyond comparison”.

In short, the world wars led to a surplus of unmarried women because their (prospective) husbands were… dead. Women then started leading industry and politics. Young men were reduced to second-rate larvae in a female-dominated society. Homosexuality and transgenderism are no natural phenomena but rather media-endorsed inventions meant to further corrupt men. The globalist end game appears to want to overthrow Indo-European patriarchies and replace them with a single, global matriarchy, perhaps even drive the male sex to extinction.

Without a male example anchoring them in reality, children, girls too, fail to develop the adult behaviors required to deal with the real world. The baby-boomer generation has been a childish, narcissistic, irresponsible, self-hating, guilt-obsessed class that loved every other people, race, and nation beside their own. This emotionally unstable generation has put the survival of everyone else above the survival of their own class. Baby-boomers tend to collectivize and project the disgust they feel toward themselves.

“These well-situated people with high educations never learned what it means to be an adult: to take responsibility for the consequences of one’s own actions. A save-the-world attitude, Phariseeism, and infantilism go hand in hand [with these baby-boomers].”

Germans, and by extension all white Westerners, have been conditioned to hate their own kind. They have been denied male role models who should have helped separate boys from their mothers. The question is, will new generations of white men be able to break free from this childish state, or will the global matriarchy forever enslave them?

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