Don't Hate on Baby Boomers? - Part I

Baby Boomers are nice people. My parents are baby boomers, but for too long now the U.S. has been taking a nose dive while pleasant and politically correct baby boomers have been cruising on automatic pilot, “everything is fine”, status quo and enjoying nice benefits they stacked for themselves while the rest of the country is leveraged on the precipice. Despite many proud achievements over the past 50 years the country is still split into two groups; the protected and the unprotected. This U.S. is a country that has “discarded its basic mission; holding the community together”.

The “winners” of the last 50 years have indulged too much in the narcissism of divisive, incomprehensible, and downright stupid ramblings of a two-party system that report to the same corporate, oligarchic masters anyways. Too much in protecting their own place of privilege and not worrying about the problems of inequality, opportunity, and basic infrastructure. Too busy with their own plans to deal with and fix a financial system that serves and bails out the rich while ripping off and excluding the poor. Too busy with their social calendars to worry about the trillions wasted on wars, the killing of foreigners, maiming American young soldiers, and creating chaos and ill will in the world.

We all have to look in the mirror of responsibility, but the standards for the American dream have been lowered. Doesn’t it feel like “We The People” is now “I The Me”? Collectively, from the oldest to the youngest generation, we have to do better. ... food for thought

Peace @ClumsySilverDad

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